I'm very pissed and emotional that the club isn't getting Zarana. Let your frustrations out people
That's a bummer. I'm telling you, if you can afford it, get her on ebay now before the prices skyrocket after the Con. I've pre-ordered 2 pink Zaranas. Of course, it's not guaranteed that the guy will get them, but if not, PayPal will get my money back for me. Just throwing the idea out there for those that want her.
I want to but I'm still trying to get my $250 that I got scammed on for Joecon. I done with pre-orders unless they are from an actual company.
Ouch! Getting scammed for that much would definitely leave a bad taste in one's mouth. Sorry, about that man. If I can get an extra one, I'll sale her to you for what she costs me if you're cool with the price.
yea I'm pretty bitter.
Hell yeah bro! That would be awesome! Thanks
Not a problem man. I'll see if I can get her at a reasonable price.
I think it was $50 for the set Charade.
I think it was $50 for the set Charade.
I'm new to GICC too this year...This is disappointing news...
Hypothetically, if the Zarana figures were sold throught the club, what would they have cost?
I'd love a Zarana, esp. a Cold Slither variant... but at $50/figure, it stops becoming a toy. I'm not sure if I'd want a figure I'd feel anxiety about opening....
I have to think over this eBay option...
Have you all had good experience in "pre-ordering" your Con exclusives? MW, it sounds like you haven't.
*officially transitioning from "disappointed" to "WTF" mode*
Yea my pre-order for a Joe Con set was with a "trusted" member of the Joe community thats a member of almost every Joe site out there. Long story short, he fucked over 5 people including myself for over $3,000.
Blah. I hope I can get one just to video tape myself throwing it off a balcony
Ah, yeah, I think I heard some of that over at the other forums. It's none of my business, but from what little I (think I) know of the situation, that would make me apprehensive too...
First open it, set on fire, then lob it off there. That will get some heads turning!
I would like one but, It's a nok and I really could care less. There was only Zartan and the original three for me.
I would like one but, It's a nok and I really could care less. There was only Zartan and the original three for me.
The Sargegate was fucking insane last year. MB and I were up for 5 days straight spamming the shit out of another forum and f5ing the shit out of HTS. I had never spent so much wasted time on a computer in my life.
I love all the Dreadnoks, including the later generations. Despite his baby blue jacket and pink scarf, Zandar was one of my favorite Joes growing up.
Ah, the memories....I would love it if Hasbro invested in color-changing plastics again...
Yeah, but I think we made pals then, didn't we? What a clusterfuck that was.
I'm still going to try and snag at least 2 off HTS, plus I've got a buddy going to Con who usually hooks me up (and if he doesn't, his comic shop always brings back some to sell... Just means a trip to Oakland, which is bad enough in itself), but I couldn't give a damn about that variant black one. It looks sweet and if I can get one for cost or a little higher, I'll go for it, but I'm not shelling out a ton of money like $75 or whatever I did for my TTT Sarge last year. I secured one for $39 plus $5 shipping off eBay, then got stuck with fucking 10% CA sales tax at checkout. I get sick of that shit, turning $39 into $49. Anyways, I'll try and get a second one for cheaper. Fingers crossed.
Zandar don't wear no stinkin' jacket! It's a holster and some shoulder pads! What semi-heterosexual Zandar did you have growing up?
Same here. I'd love a Cold Slither Zarana, wouldn't mind a regular variant as well. If I manage to stumble into extras, I'd gladly help distribute the wealth.
I didn't play the HTS lottery last year (not a Slaughter fan at all). What's the deal, could you buy multiple exclusives? If you guys give me a crash course on what to expect, I'll help storm HTS and sell off any extras to you at cost.
When is SDCC agin? Maybe I'll give that Monday a shot, I struck out like X with woman under 450 pounds last year
Well, Hasbro really handled the HTS thing all fuckered last year. My buddy who was at SDCC and who snagged me one of my USA Sarges, said that they sold out of the TTT super-fast, but were told by all the Hasbro goons at the booth not to fret, that come Monday, they'd be online at HTS's site.
Fast-forward to that Monday, and every goddamned SDCC figure went on sale except for either Sarge. And nothing happened till what, Wednesday? Friday? Then they went up for like 15 minutes, and customer service kept telling folks different answers as to when or if they'd ever be more. It was a shit-show.
There aren't many figures I'll stalk a website for, but TTT Sarge was one of them. He was one of my favorite figs as a kid, and I still want to strangle whoever was in charge of the entire Slaughter figure last year.