Can We get a A-10 Through Kickstarter ?


Replicator of Toys
Officer Club
Mar 15, 2011
New Orleans
I just checked out a post where people pledged over $150 , 000 for red girly figures !!

WOW !!!!!!!!!

Back in the heyday of 1/18th scale aircraft , it was a known fact that if you had $ 150,000 you could have 3, 000 of any plane made .

You could also have multi paint schemes in that 3,000 .

Bad cat had some made of the P-51 I forgot what their names were but they sold them between $70-$90

An online dealer Down Under had BBI make a couple of Australian P-51s and sold them for $150 each.

That was high because they were in Wal-Mart ( generic paint schemes ) for $ 39.94 .

If you do the math $150,00 divided by 3,000 comes out to $50 a unit .

That was back then .

The BBI Pavehawk helo sold for about $ $70-$80 per unit back then . Now the new Blackhawk sells for about $160 per unit .

Doubling the price from then to now.

So ... doubling the $150,000 is now $ 300,000 I am guessing they still want a minimum order of 3,000.

So that will be $100 a unit ( finished and painted ) cost in box.

Of course I am not sure what collector would want 3,000 A-10s so I am sure that the investors would want to sell them.

Probably $180- $200 per unit in fact doubling your investment.

$200 x 3,000 = $600,000 that come out to $ 300,000 profit .

Unless you back off the mark up to $150 so.. $150 @ 3,000 units comes out to $150 , 000 profit .

Unless there will be in fact 3,000 ( maybe less because folks could want doubles ) collectors who will ante up $100 each we as collectors could finance our own Holy Grail.

Would this be worth pursuing on Kickstarter ?


Mocha Viper
Jul 20, 2011
I think you have enough samples of stuff you have done in the past that people would have trust in your ability to make an accurate would just need to layout the details of getting it produced, painted, shipped, etc., time frames being the biggest consideration.

When Kickstarter first launched people looked at it like a venture capital fund...some are winners and some are losers. Now people expect you to deliver. If they pay, you better be sure you're willing to take a loss. I'd really like to know how the Marauders figs being delayed and reworked is having on their bottom line. Maybe they will talk to you about it, even give some insight into the work they did to find a manufacturer.

Would I want to see it and would I throw money at it...effin A cotton. effin A.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I'd have hard numbers from Chinese facilities and most likely a prototype before I even thought about a Kicktarter campaign.

At the very least a sit-down discussion with someone at Bbi or Merit to get a feel for what the task entails.


Caution: Troll Ahead!
Mar 14, 2011
Plainfield, IL
Actually, if you did a Kickstarter you could charge whatever the hell you wanted for them, as long as the kickstarter was funded. So forget all the 100, 200 dollar stuff. Realistically, if you ran a KS and it got funded, and in all likelihood a 150k goal could be easily surpassed, I'm sure even hardline HTers would like to see an A-10 made, as long as you come up with some good stretch goals that don't put strain on the bottom line, everything after the production cost would be profit that you could put towards another project, and you could charge 50-75 a unit + shipping. It wouldn't be like footing the bill up front and then worrying about not making the money back, you'd already have the money.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
HTers wouldn't back it. "It's too big". "It's not a Rattler". "I'd have to go without Vienna Sausages and Deviled Ham for two whole weeks to pay for it. "It's not made by Marauder, Hasbro, the Club etc.".
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gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
HT makes me sad.

But yeah, get your ducks in a row first and find out exactly what you'd need. I certainly back a not-$500 A-10.


Green Beret
Feb 20, 2012
You definitely need to find a manufacturer and have all the details worked out before beginning a Kickstarter. And you'll need a prototype to do that so they can quote you on the production costs and make sure the parts are built right for molds. Production costs in China have increased significantly over the last few years, so it might cost more than you think it will. Once you get quotes and if you build the prototype yourself to save costs there really is no reason you can't try Kickstarter. A failed campaign doesn't hurt anything.


Replicator of Toys
Officer Club
Mar 15, 2011
New Orleans
You definitely need to find a manufacturer and have all the details worked out before beginning a Kickstarter. And you'll need a prototype to do that so they can quote you on the production costs and make sure the parts are built right for molds. Production costs in China have increased significantly over the last few years, so it might cost more than you think it will. Once you get quotes and if you build the prototype yourself to save costs there really is no reason you can't try Kickstarter. A failed campaign doesn't hurt anything.

Wink !


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I'd be way into supporting an A-10, as long as the prototype looks awesome and the production process is worked out and vetted. As I've said prior, it would only need to be BBI level in detail and durability - sturdy with a legit paint job and a reasonable price point. A good pilot would be a nice bonus.


Replicator of Toys
Officer Club
Mar 15, 2011
New Orleans
My rep got back to me .

The minimum order is 2,000 units.

He wants to know what features would we want to see on the A-10 .

More features means more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

So what would we like to see ?

Here is my opinion FEEDBACK NEEDED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Opening canopy
working landing gear
standard load out ( is there ? )
opening hatch to reveal the Vulcan cannon

I am cool with fixed tail surfaces .I have never tried to operate tail surfaces on any of my 1/18th planes . The only plane that I can see in needing them is the Dauntless because of those intricate holed diving flaps .

Speak up .


Caution: Troll Ahead!
Mar 14, 2011
Plainfield, IL
I want lights and sounds and... nah. Canopy, landing gear, a standard load out and a hatch to see the cannon is probably all I'd ask for.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I hang my planes. I need zero hatches besides normal landing gear doors. Moving surfaces? No. None. All I would want is exactly what BBI did on their F/A-18 and F-16 - decent plastic, reasonably good paint, common load out, general external details and a reasonably good generic pilot. No rivets, no super detailed cockpit, access panels, none of the costly stuff you wouldn't see if the plane was in action anyway.

I would highly recommend a rather plain but affordable plane over an expensive wonder, if you actually want to sell them all at least. The nice thing is that, should these all sell out, there is the potential to build off the success/molds/already designed parts to design a more complex model for the hardcore rivet counters. Generate the hype and feed the A-10 population's appetite a good appetizer, and they may well return for the pricier masterpiece main course.

Psycho Joe Guy

Mar 5, 2013
HTers wouldn't back it. "It's too big". "It's not a Rattler". "I'd have to go without Vienna Sausages and Deviled Ham for two whole weeks to pay for it. "It's not made by Marauder, Hasbro, the Club etc.".

HT mod internal monologue re a 1:18 'Hog: (and why I wouldn't count on the jet tits set at all)

...actual 1/18 scale makes my wee-wee seem even smaller. I'll need to ban some people to feel better about myself now. I'll wait for it to show up at Ross anyway. :whatever:

I disagree about making a scaled-back first version. I used to do warranty electronics repair for gear made in China in contract factories. The things that can happen between one run and another are mind boggling, even with the same factory building from the same parts lots. (which is very rare, BTW,) Keep in mind that this will be an independently produced and distributed item that is basically an expensive toy. Even with enough demand to blow through 2000, without a national/international distributor network and a much lower pricepoint for the first one, all an "upgraded" later run will do is compete with the first one, ultimately driving down sales for both, even if it is significantly more expensive.

I'd like a Warthog with working gear and doors, an opening canopy, and removable stores: Mavericks (optional triple racks), LGB's or JDAMS, ECM and targeting pods, and maybe a couple of Sidewinders and engine and cannon access panel doors made out of plastic that won't shatter if I look at it funny (cough JSI).

Here's a visual for the loadout:

If you could do more than one paint scheme, Euro Green and Desert Gray. Make the cannon rotate too. You know every person that buys one will be dying to spin that thing and go "BRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPP" My absolute dream would be for metal gear landing gear with rubber tires, and a metal GAU-8A but I think a better route for that would be as a separate upgrade. Lights are cheap enough that folks could do them on their own. The ones on my JSI Black Knights Turkey aren't really that much of an improvement over my unlit SpotCat.


Mar 23, 2011
This is sounding very promising!!

I agree with the quality of the bbi F-16 and F-18. Just need to make sure the scaling is correct to 1/18 unlike bbi's F-16 incident....LOL

Must haves:

1. Functioning Landing Gear (very simple compared to the F-14 or Harrier....metal gear would be best due to this being a large bird)
2. Opening Canopy
3. Removable Ordinance
4. Rotating GAU-8 (this is the center of attention on the A-10 afterall)
5. Access panel for boarding ladder. Ladder could be made a seperate piece that attaches instead of functioing ladder that scopes in. (The inside of the ladder access door is the pallet of interesting artwork.)

Nice to haves:

1. Moveable flight controls.
2. Access panels to GAU-8.
3. Functioning engine access panels.
4. Seperate GAU-8 for display.

The biggest question though......A or C model?

A Model:

-Only one with more than one paint scheme. Lizard Camo, Euro 1 Camo, Gray on Gray.
-More historical liveries. Chopper Popper, Mil Killer
-Cockpit layout is dials and gauges

C Model:

-More ordinance options.
-Cockpit layout is "glass", more monitors than dials and guages
-Limited to only one paint scheme but many unit colors

Should look at Hobby Master's A-10 paint scheme selections. They are just now starting to produce the C model after many A models.

Ordinance Loadout:

With respect to a standard ordinance loadout, it's not the most common look you see on models. A real operation load out won't have 6 AGM-65s (3 per pylon), it would have two at most (4 total).

Below is a weblink to a load out chart that covers the A-10A:

Below is a chart that covers the A-10C:

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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Classic A or even more capable C is a good question. I'm actually cool with either.


Mar 23, 2011
Same here although I 'm leaning more to a C for the ordinance options. You can still have the Flying Tigers (Sharkmouth) scheme or my personal favorite Barksdale AFB's Warthog head scheme (although they are now disbanded).


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
My biggest concern is that we don't frill (and therefore price) this thing right back out of existence. If it costs too much, nobody will buy it in the Obamaconomy. BBI level is where it's at, at least to begin with. More and better can come down the road, if the initial investment interest pans out.


Mar 23, 2011
I don't disagree but there are certain features that must be present along with the mold detail being decent. Antennas, etc. Somewhere between bbi's F-16 & F-18 and JSI's F-14/Merit's upcoming Harrier.

To me the oridnance package that is included with the A-10 purchase itself is where the cost can be kept in line. Like I mentioned in my previous post, you don't need 6 AGM-65 Mavericks. That's a good bit of plastic that can be saved on our used somewhere else.

Supplemental ordinance packages would be a key to the A-10 in my opinion. Just like Hobby Master did.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Must haves:

1. Functioning Landing Gear (very simple compared to the F-14 or Harrier....metal gear would be best due to this being a large bird)
2. Opening Canopy
3. Removable Ordinance
4. Rotating GAU-8 (this is the center of attention on the A-10 afterall)
5. Access panel for boarding ladder. Ladder could be made a seperate piece that attaches instead of functioing ladder that scopes in. (The inside of the ladder access door is the pallet of interesting artwork.)

Nice to haves:

1. Moveable flight controls.
2. Access panels to GAU-8.
3. Functioning engine access panels.
4. Seperate GAU-8 for display.

Birddogs list works for me. Though I think I'd move the ladder from "must have" to "nice to have".

Also, I don't think I need moveable flight controls at all.

Surface details as nice as JSIs F-14 would be nice.


Replicator of Toys
Officer Club
Mar 15, 2011
New Orleans

The spots are extra so they probably should not be added.

I was thinking of the barrel rotating as well. But I rather forgo that option to have the full cannon and the accessible access panel .

Static tail feathers would reduce the manufacturing cost along with unit assembly.


Replicator of Toys
Officer Club
Mar 15, 2011
New Orleans
This idea looks favorable but it is not sience .

12 guys on 2 forums does not constitute 2,000 worth of sales .

The A-10 has been on a few radars for years now and nobody given todays economy wants to make the jump.

So here ( if things play out ) is a chance to for a manufacturer to make an item at a low risk because somebody else is taking the risk.

So , I will submit my original features and see if he can price point other wanted features.

Original features for a A-10 c "

working canopy
working gear
hatch that opens to reveal cannon
standard load out

Itemized separate price

working tail feathers
rotating cannon barrels
pilot access ladder
additional munition package

Now if we get numbers back and get all of our ducks in a row , can someone set this up on Kickstarter ?

I am not that computer savvy and would have no idea how to do it.

Some of the set up look to be prof done. Is there a service that does this or are the partisipants ones who set them up ?


Oct 20, 2014
Back in Tucson, AZ!
So , I will submit my original features and see if he can price point other wanted features.

Original features for a A-10 c "

working canopy
working gear
hatch that opens to reveal cannon
standard load out

This sounds VERY exciting!
Kickstarter is pretty easy to get going. The key is getting the word out and getting traffic, and then offering something at the support levels. I think if the project is as well planned out as it seems it will be, and of enough people see the campaign, this'll fly!


Replicator of Toys
Officer Club
Mar 15, 2011
New Orleans
talked to the rep today and he said that working flaps is not that big of a deal but a rotating barrel is .

I will check on him Friday and see if he has his numbers together .

If not he said that he can get them together next week at the latest.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
HTers wouldn't back it. "It's too big". "It's not a Rattler". "I'd have to go without Vienna Sausages and Deviled Ham for two whole weeks to pay for it. "It's not made by Marauder, Hasbro, the Club etc.".

Boy, did I call this one. You know where to look.

talked to the rep today and he said that working flaps is not that big of a deal but a rotating barrel is .

It's a peg and a hole. :wtf:


Mar 23, 2011
Rotating barrel an issue compared to working flight controls is weired. Especially considering the A-10's ailerons are a split design.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
HTers wouldn't back it. "It's too big". "It's not a Rattler". "I'd have to go without Vienna Sausages and Deviled Ham for two whole weeks to pay for it. "It's not made by Marauder, Hasbro, the Club etc.".

Holy crap!

True 1:18 is just too big for me. Too big to display, too big to handle. I prefer the Joe-scale mashup of 1:18/1:32.