That's exactly what I wanna hear! lol! That's why I post it here first! scrutinizing is what I'm here for. I know I'll get it straight up,instead of that yugo sized tank looks awesome,or that shade of blue goes well with that yellow&red on that soldier:trollface:
I agree that it looks too big. Wasn't sure if it was because neck fat on skinny body? it was a max shrink the first shot anyways,so it wouldn't be a redo. It'd be figuring out what percentage to take it down from here that's why the others are grouped on the table the way they are too. The majority are. There's 3 different batches on the table,a 20%,15%,and a 5%. Tyreese,and Abraham are 5% too big after a max shrink,and Ripley has been hit twice already with a max to get where it is...needs 15% more..I've shrank Maggie&Michoone twice,and am still not happy. They're like a scale of their own within that line.