I've had this figure done for a long time now, but with a different head. This head is from the Thor line repainted and a bit of resculpting done to the head.
I'm not sure how I feel about it. I guess it looks close to Kurt Russells character, but while I was repainting it I suddenly thought, "Hey, he kinda looks like one of those Geico cavemen!". Now that's what I see every time I look at him. If you look closely you can see some cracks opening up in his forehead and nose, I don't know if those were there when I bought it, or if they opened up while I was using a heat gun to cure the sculpey, so that doesn't help things.
I'm not sure how I feel about it. I guess it looks close to Kurt Russells character, but while I was repainting it I suddenly thought, "Hey, he kinda looks like one of those Geico cavemen!". Now that's what I see every time I look at him. If you look closely you can see some cracks opening up in his forehead and nose, I don't know if those were there when I bought it, or if they opened up while I was using a heat gun to cure the sculpey, so that doesn't help things.