In general, the broadcast masters just look dirty and faded. The digital is far more vibrant, has phenomenally better contrast, and generally looks more like it was intended. I suppose there could be some nostalgia for the broadcast master "look" since that's more like what we saw on crappy 19" tvs back in the day, but generally, the digital is vastly superior.
The digital in that video is supposedly the Rhino dvd release. Those were done in the early 2000s. I wonder how the Shout-Factory version looks in comparison. Did they just copy the Rhino versions, or did they do some decade-later improvements to the overall quality? I own both sets. I ripped the Shout version to my media server, and they look good, but I've never taken the time to examine them side by side. At some point, the limiting factor becomes the questionable quality of the original animation, for which there is no fix.