Mega Bloks Militia


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
Were there any Mega Bloks Construx figures with red arms? I'm not talking about the straight-arm version of Fry from Futurama, but something with an actual elbow joint.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
I recently purchased a Maise figure from the Jurassic World line and it's great except she doesn't have elbow articulation. I thought that if I could find a suitably colored Mega Bloks figure that I could graft the elbow joint from it to her.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
For those of you who are more familiar with this far as parts....what options are there for

-legs with boots, and the color of the pants around them and the waiste being OD green
-upper body wearing a bomber style jacket
-head with long-ish hair and beard (hair/beard can be optional, would be easy to sculpt if not present)

I found the new flame thrower soldier the other day and I'm thinking about making Macready from "The Thing".


"Big Guns"
Holy crap.. I assume the little one is the Kreo one? That's awesome work! What did you use for the diorama/backdrop?

Yeah, the little blue one is the sad Kreo hiss. I love having my Mega Joes being disgusted with the Kreo vehicles. Clutch did the same thing with the VAMP.

The backdrop is just a printed canvas. If you look closely, you can see that I need to iron it... Ebay and amazon have a ton of these 3x5 printed backdrops, usually sub-$10. I've got a dozen or more that I use for various stuff, but the desert one is the most versatile for vehicles. Joe battlefield, TF battlefield, Tatooine, etc...


"Big Guns"
The MOC Japanese Joes? They only made 24 figures and about a dozen vehicles. I managed to painfully and slowly obtain a full set. In fact, when I sold my '82-'87 MOC Joe collection about five years ago, I kept the Japanese stuff. It's very cool, blue backgrounds on the Joes, red backgrounds on the cobras, same decos on the vehicles. I'll take some better pics tonight.
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"Big Guns"
NSA , here's the full collection. It's nice in that it's very finite. This is all that exists, so it's manageable to collect and display. Just 24 figures, 13 Joes, 11 Cobras. Fun trivia: not counting the really shitty India Funskool verison, this is the only proper vintage carded v1 Zartan from any country.

The only thing I *technically* don't have are two other variants of the Dragonfly. They made it with three different pilots (Wild Bill, Stalker, and Breaker). But I don't feel the need to hunt/own multiple Dragonflies just because of a pilot variation. In the 4-5 years I was actively searching for this stuff daily, the Breaker version was the only one I came across... once. Most of the vehicles are like hen's teeth.





Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Wow, it’s like the Joe aisle at Children’s Palace back in the heyday, but also in Japanese. Nostalgia +


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
I can’t believe your wife is THAT flexible. I can buy whatever I want if I can afford it, but that is to such extremes I cannot even fathom trying to slide that by.


"Big Guns"
Wow, it’s like the Joe aisle at Children’s Palace back in the heyday, but also in Japanese. Nostalgia +

The vintage Children's Palace vibe was totally what I was going for when I started the collection and subsequently built the room. But alas, it was too good to last. The opposite side of the room looks just like that but with modern "vintage" Star Wars stuff. And the back wall is all MIB G1-style transformers (mostly KOs and reissues.) It's the anti-pink-isle, no doubt.

I can’t believe your wife is THAT flexible. I can buy whatever I want if I can afford it, but that is to such extremes I cannot even fathom trying to slide that by.

Oh, she's flexible alright... wait, what were we talking about? ;)

My wife takes the attitude that as long as the bills are paid, all our needs are met, and I think we can afford it, she's not going to say anything. But I do the book-keeping, and I don't print itemized lists of what I spend on toys and rub them under her nose... b/c not stupid.

However, she also knows that the family comes first. When private school tuition was looming, I sold the majority of the MOC collection and a ton of other toys, comic art, etc and made a killing. It was so much that paypal reported me to the IRS, and I had to pay taxes on the profits. Bottom line, she's low maintenance, wants me to be happy, and trusts me to have my priorities straight. You can't put a price on that.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Hold on to that one! You did well.

It's so refreshing to have a reasonable partner in life, particularly with all the shrieking harpies puking nonsense all over the media and internet.


Mar 13, 2011
Southern California
Hot diggity. Very nice!!

I can remember a time (probably when I was 8 and again when we started this website) where I'd cream myself for a collection like that. Now, I think I'm finally past it, where I know I wouldn't even really appreciate it like I should.

I *AM* still insanely jealous of your space. Another reason we need to get the ball rolling on getting out of CA!
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
...Another reason we need to get the ball rolling on getting out of CA!



Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
The vintage Children's Palace vibe was totally what I was going for when I started the collection and subsequently built the room. But alas, it was too good to last. The opposite side of the room looks just like that but with modern "vintage" Star Wars stuff. And the back wall is all MIB G1-style transformers (mostly KOs and reissues.) It's the anti-pink-isle, no doubt.

Oh, she's flexible alright... wait, what were we talking about? ;)

My wife takes the attitude that as long as the bills are paid, all our needs are met, and I think we can afford it, she's not going to say anything. But I do the book-keeping, and I don't print itemized lists of what I spend on toys and rub them under her nose... b/c not stupid.

However, she also knows that the family comes first. When private school tuition was looming, I sold the majority of the MOC collection and a ton of other toys, comic art, etc and made a killing. It was so much that paypal reported me to the IRS, and I had to pay taxes on the profits. Bottom line, she's low maintenance, wants me to be happy, and trusts me to have my priorities straight. You can't put a price on that.
This is the same arrangement I have with the new wife and I obviously do not tell her the price tag on items like FansToys Phoenix or Castle Greyskull, but I guess I'm just not as bold. She just thinks everything big costs $100 or is an even cheaper KO from China. Of course it's only been 5yrs, so I do not have all that history to fall back on as an insurance policy. The new offspring has already cut my spending to the bones, but I honestly do not mind since my MP collection is complete (and packed into tubs a month ago) and I only really buy a Siege or Megabloks figure here and there out of boredom/need an escape/pat myself on the back.


"Big Guns"
Come on over, I have an unassembled TMNT technodrome and USS Enterprise I bought on clearance just for parts! Perfect light grey pieces for HQ building...

Trying to decide what vehicles these guys need. I'll probably build them a T-90 out of one of the chinese brick tank kits, and I'll probably give them one of the nondescript eastern-block-looking transport trucks from the Terminator sets a couple of years ago. In my mind, if I can gather enough spare parts, I might build them a hind-like helo too, but that's probably a next-winter project.