Review: iGear Conehead Seekers

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Okay, if you haven't heard about these guys, then prepare to be amazed. They're knockoff/3rd party, reverse-engineered "Conehead" Seekers to finish up the 6 main G1 Decepticon jets. And they're awesome. (Despite a bit, um, morally "gray". More on that later.)

So we've finally got Thrust, Ramjet, and Dirge. Er, sort of. Technically, iGear calls them "Attack" (Thrust, in burgundy), "Jet (Ramjet, in white) "Elegy" (Dirge, in blue) to skirt legal issues with trademarks, but since they're coming from China, which is the Land of the Knockoff, they can pretty much do as they damn well please. They also sort of ripped off a Transformers customizer by the username of Wheeljack, by using his designs. Let's face it though, the real intellectual theft was from Hasbro/Takara, and the rest was just them being dicks. And yes, I bought them, so by association, well... You get the picture.

Anyways, to keep the review fairly short, they're pretty awesome. I didn't take these pics originally as a proper review, so there's no box or extras like the stand, but if you have any of the Takara or Hasbro Masterpiece jets (like Starscream, Skywarp or Thundercracker) then the other accessories not shown are the exact same, with a few Decepticon symbols missing to avoid trademark issues. Why, I don't know, because they're pretty blatant about everything else, but it's nothing that can't fix for me. They all 3 come with their own box, 2 missile clusters, a stand base, a stand mount, a little crappy 2-color pilot/scientist, and a clip to clip Megatron (that came with MP Prime) onto their nosecone. And some stickers that I'm not going to bother looking at again, as all the lines I want came tampographed on, save for the Decepticon sigils. Each box has illustrations instead of photography, but they did their best to mimic the Takara MP boxes as closely as possible.

Their construction is the same as Starscream, but there are a few fixes and bonuses. Gone are the awful hip kibble pegs, and iGear actually corrected the crappy design of the original Takara mold by fixing the tail-fins so that they're now adjustable, and connected to the feet, not the hips. Clearly, each figure has his own distinctive wings, armaments and tail-fins, and additional paint apps that are unique to each jet. The head sculpt is new (and shared by all 3), and transforms just fine, although their heads are a tad tiny compared to the Starscream head. Also, each arm has a pop-up display screen. Apparently each figure has a random sticker, as an added surprise. I thought this extra touch was neat, coming from a bunch of thievin' Chinese designers.

These shipped direct from China, and I had them on preorder since Christmas 2010. The first arrived back in June, and the other 2 arrived today. In total, they were around $100+ each, but the shipping from China for all 3 came to about another $100. Ouch. $400ish total.

The quality is top-notch, and I'd say the paint apps are either on-par or better than the ones from Hasbro, if not the Takara releases. So far, I have both the Takara and Hasbro Starscream and Skywarp, and also the Takara Thundercracker (Hasbro hasn't released an MP Thundercracker stateside as of this writing, nor have they announced plans to release him).

For $400, it's a bit pricy to finish off your 6 Seekers, but to me, they were worth it.

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Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
I got these little guys about 2 years ago, and I feel like they're severely underrated and rarely even mentioned. Maybe because the Alternity line was sort of the scaled-down successor to the Binaltech/Alternators line, or because the movie-verse totally stole their spotlight, or what, but I felt I'd do a quick photoshoot of them.



gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
great little all the pics, especially the action ones with Bumblebee...always liked Thrust the best due to the upper wings...thought they were kinda unique...the set looks really cool too...

BTW, i don't use the sidebar, i use "new posts"...that gives me everything updated since my last visit...:)


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
you really need to at least give these guys a wash to get the details and panel lines to makes a huge difference that even my wife notices...and its super easy to do...Starscreams wings seem to have it done...

also, they do have kinda tiny heads


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
lol...good idea, though i have been lately AND who else beside you me and nacho go in there?...occationally pcs?

and is it really just a Takara thead?..seems more general to me

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
The funny thing is, besides MP-10, there's not been a damned thing we've posted about in there that's actually from Takara. US MP Rodimus is Hasbro, and all the other awesomeness is 3rd party companies. Like this...

I think PCS sold off his TFs, and besides him, yeah... it's basically you, me, and nacho. :)


Resident Jarhead
Mar 14, 2011
Old Dominion
I have a few.... they're all packed up though. I like the newer.. shit I dunno what they're even calling them- not the movie line, the other line. I saw a Warpath last night- had I the money, I would have picked him up.


"Big Guns"
Good review. I haven't taken mine out of the packages. I think "they" (whoever chinese folks "they" are) did a fantastic job. And while I'm sure we could all do customs, the time, effort, and cost (even if you started with a clearanced WM skywarp) would exceed what I paid for these guys. I'm thrilled with these, can't wait for Sunstorm, and eagerly anticipate the inevitable Acidstorm and light blue guy preorders.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Nacho, you're nuttier than I am, because there's no way I'm shelling out anymore for those other repaints. I do like that they've retooled the Starscream mold on Sunstorm (I'm assuming so, anyways) so that they have the new tail-fin mounts.

I'm sticking with these 3, but I think they're going to get their money's worth out of these molds, considering that they've got so many lined up to do still.

Question, are you keeping your boxes that they shipped in? I'm debating on trashing them, but they may be good for storage, since they have an extra layer of bubble padding.


"Big Guns"
I kept the first one, but the other two were all taped together in a very expedient chinese fashion, and by the time I even realized that they were underneath all that packing tape, I didn't much care about keeping them in their battered state, as if I could have gotten all the tape off anyway. Now I'm definitely keeping the regular boxes, but not the shipping ones.

I never claimed I wasn't nutty :p... but the straight repaints are cheaper than the coneheads, just $100 shipped. I paid that much for the original seekers repainted from starscream, so the price doesn't seem out of line given the apparent quality of the product.
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Molon Labe!
Mar 15, 2011
I kept the first one, but the other two were all taped together in a very expedient chinese fashion, and by the time I even realized that they were underneath all that packing tape, I didn't much care about keeping them in their battered state, as if I could have gotten all the tape off anyway. Now I'm definitely keeping the regular boxes, but not the shipping ones.

I never claimed I wasn't nutty :p... but the straight repaints are cheaper than the coneheads, just $100 shipped. I paid that much for the original seekers repainted from starscream, so the price doesn't seem out of line given the apparent quality of the product.


Sunstorm's personality is what I really like about him.

So evil, that he turns on even Starscream.

Like I said before, it's like being addicted to drugs or something.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Sunstorm is one i might actually pick up if not just for his has been my fave color since i was a kid...i'm thinking the General Lee had something to do with that

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Sunstorm's one that I just can't get into. I'm a G1 addict, plus a 7th Seeker is just odd man out. He does kind of look cool though, and his name fits with the G1 "O3" naming for the seekers...

One thing I did't even bother on was taking pics of the jets. What a worthless Transformers review without shots of the jets. They're what you'd expect, though, and the dynamic point is the bot mode. Apologies for that.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
6 is good for me. With my Decepticon Seekers complete and Megs—plus I'll soon have Devastator and I've got my Alternator Stunticons—I can't be overpowering my MP/Alternator Autobots.

I just need a good MP Soundwave and some cassettes, and my Decepticons will be pretty complete. I'm thinking about the KO Reflector and Insecticons, but they're not priority (although they are kind of awesome).

The third party market really is all I'm interested in until Takara announces an MP Soundwave or Shockwave. Then we'll talk.

Dr Syn

Mar 27, 2011
Ah, but what if they end up doing all the season 1 and beyond generic filler Decepticons, not just Sunstorm or the 3 Rainmakers? (Sunstorm and the yellow rainmaker aren't the same guy).

From the The Ultimate Doom, Part 3, love the Green one.

He's from the episode Dark Awakening, seen next to Dirge in flight.

And they are from MtmtE parts 2 and 3. Delicious!

For examples.

And then there are the weirder ones from the Five Faces of Darkness season 3 5-parter:

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Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
I wonder if all those Japanese kids who they had painting cells knew that they'd be forcing OCD adults in America to spend thousands of dollars on repeat repaints?


"Big Guns"
Ah, but what if they end up doing all the season 1 and beyond generic filler Decepticons, not just Sunstorm or the 3 Rainmakers? (Sunstorm and the yellow rainmaker aren't the same guy).

Technically no, they aren't according to hasbro, but that information came around long after sunstorm did, so a good chunk of TF fandom accepts him in that role anyway. I know if they make the green and blue ones, I'd display sunstorm with them, perfectly accurate or not.

And while I might see them make a purple seeker clone, that's about as far as I can see it go, IMO. But the reality is that they'll continue to make them as long as there is a market for more. Exactly where I draw the line is fuzzy at this point.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
ooooo, they don't look too bad...not a bad price either...hmmmm...size of a real camera?

heard about the quality?
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Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
That article makes them out to be pretty awesome. Although they're a tad small, I like how they look more like the animation model than the ones you posted. Although, I hadn't seen those guys yet, so I'm not as familiar with them. How big do they end up? I also kind of dislike how they don't appear to be the same size...

Cloud Strife

Mako Infused SOLDIER
Apr 16, 2011
I remember you telling me about these FOREVER ago. You just now got them? I'm not a big Transformers fan as all the various incarnations confuse the heck out of me, but they look SWEET man! Glad you finally got them!

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Yeah, I preordered the damned things back at Christmas. Nacho vouched for them time and again, but it still kept me slightly uneasy until they arrived.

I had previously ordered their MP Prime "anime" head for $20, and it arrived and I was really impressed with it, so I went ahead and bit the bullet on all three Coneheads up front. Having to Paypal $400 worth of pre-ordered, trademark-infringing figures 9 months out without the refund safety net of Paypal was a bit daunting, but they came through with flying colors. I just don't like having $400 tied up in China, but they'll likely be getting my money for the upcoming Ratchet and Ironhide. I may go through BBTS on those though, as there's a lot more safety involved. These were only available direct from iGear, and I also think from a few Chinese e-tailers.

I was messing with them again last night, and they're not knockoff quality, they're exact replications of the quality on the official Seekers. I partially dislike vouching for a KO company, but the awesomeness outweighs my guilt. ;) I really doubt we'll ever see these from Hasbro/Takara, and if we do, I won't need to get them as these guys are damned impressive.

I just wish that they'd make alternate heads now for Skywarp and Thundercracker. I can't remember what the "flip-face" head looked like on Thundercracker, but the Skywarp grimace is really weird. (The Takara versions had alternate faces that were different on each of the 3—the US market Skywarp is just an exact repaint of the Starscream head.) I really like Starscream's alternate face, but I would sell off my Takara Skywarp and just keep the Wal-Mart version if I could get a better second head.

Also, alterate faces for the Coneheads would be kind of cool, but not necessary. It's just a gimmick that I think they're lacking that Hasbro actually did better. Otherwise, these guys are actually cooler than the official jets.

Like Eddie said, Thrust is definitely my favorite of all 6 seekers. Starscream is still #2, followed by Dirge. Ramjet's my least favorite overall, mainly because his lower legs are SO awkwardly large due to the wings/fins and he's the least interesting, but as a set, you have to have all 3 if you ask me.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
I only count the first 6 that share the base Starscream F-15 mold. Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Ramjet, Dirge and Thrust. But I imagine there are many more that could be considered due to their jet classification.

If I were to include more, I guess Sunstorm and the Rainmakers, but I don't. ;)


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
That article makes them out to be pretty awesome. Although they're a tad small, I like how they look more like the animation model than the ones you posted. Although, I hadn't seen those guys yet, so I'm not as familiar with them. How big do they end up? I also kind of dislike how they don't appear to be the same size...

this is why i like D.S.L.R so much...its the same size as a real camera mode on a shelf, it would totally be robots in disquise, SO COOL!

and judging by this pic and others i've seen, you are right, they are not equal size...but close...



gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
man, the more i look at these, the more i want them..they look so cool and militant

until i look at this pic...sooooo tiny...

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gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
I'm not a big Transformers fan as all the various incarnations confuse the heck out of me...

i was the same way CS...i mean, i was a fan, and loved the toys, but there was just too much to follow, too many versions...but i had to have at least one TF for my 80's display shelf, and Masterpiece Prime was the badest a$$ version i had ever saw, so i got him...and i was content for a couple years...then Rodimus came along...then all these amazing 3rd party TFs...and i'm having a REALLY hard time staying away...if they were all in scale to each other, my wallet would be f*@#ed SO hard

Cloud Strife

Mako Infused SOLDIER
Apr 16, 2011
i was the same way CS...i mean, i was a fan, and loved the toys, but there was just too much to follow, too many versions...but i had to have at least one TF for my 80's display shelf, and Masterpiece Prime was the badest a$$ version i had ever saw, so i got him...and i was content for a couple years...then Rodimus came along...then all these amazing 3rd party TFs...and i'm having a REALLY hard time staying away...if they were all in scale to each other, my wallet would be f*@#ed SO hard

Haha... Do you have any pics of the ones you have?


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
the Takara thread has some pics...these are the only 3 i have now...the Constructicons will not be in scale to Prime or Hot Rod, buut i don't give a flying f*@# about that...i wanted them more than any other TFs my whole life, but no one made a good version...till now...

IMO, Prime and Hot Rods scale to each other is perfect since hes a semi and HR is a sports car

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