You are right. I'm a d!ck for trying to charge tax. It's probably different by you than it is here so you should not be burdened by it.
You are right. I'm a d!ck for trying to charge tax. It's probably different by you than it is here so you should not be burdened by it.
But I ain't payin' a dime over cost plus shippin'!
Hey everyone, finally got a chance to check in. There's no internet in the f'n show room or toilet.I got some pics, does anyone wanna see 'em? There was a bad ass dio in there by Hasbro that's pretty awesome. I'll work on getting them together.
If there's something your itching to see, please let me know. I am also eating dinner with Larry Hama, any questions you want me to ask him? Thanks guys, i'll try to be more on the ball. James and i were all over the place, trying to get our booth, everything is smooth sailing from here on out.
I'm okay with the new Joe box art. I like it better than POC, anyways. It's like a 2011 approach to 1982.
What is that new HISS Driver? He looks cobbled together, but is that a new head, or a CC or what?
Very cool AVAC! That right there makes the whole trip worth it I bet.
I actually don't have a CG, so I'll have to track one of those ugly bastards down..
I've gotta few me pics.As i said, i went to dinner with Hama. I was in a convertable mustang with Larry f'n Hama. This is why i come to the con, cool shit like this happens, and you get to see Zarana in person.
in the 3rd pic is my boy dave he needs a hair cut lol who was zarana anyway?
wish I had seen this before I left for wondercon they had a few there
Yay! The cycle armor is still coming out! No use for Joe, but perfect for anime.
AVAC, find me a Wetsuit and I'll compensate you well.