Ya know, a Marine-liveried Hornet would be more appealing.
What have ya'll got? A mismarked Humvee? Oh, and the M48.
That would be pretty cool. I'm chopping for something new and that flies.
I still want my damn H-13 *punches neighbor's baby*
thats perdy, I like that they went with an out of the norm paint scheme, but I do wish they did the diamondbacks or an aggressor scheme. Guess I need to list some stuff on ebay tonightThis was just revealed this morning on BBI's Facebook page. The image below hasn't been confirmed yet by BBI but it appears to be legit. An e-tailer in Germany is already requesting pre-orderes and expects it to be released sometime in June.
The paint job is crucial.
even better. but NOOO, you Aussies don't like Peanut Butter.
even better. but NOOO, you Aussies don't like Peanut Butter.
I don't know who told you aussies don't like peanut butter.
I love peanuts. I love the peanut butter. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me!
I am also a hersheys fan,there's a candy store @ my shopping mall and a petrol station that sells them near me.
there are LOTS of aussies on my FB that post that PB is the most disgusting thing they have ever eaten. I have even gotten into a long convo with several of them one night/morning about PB/vegemite.
They were like "I tried a reese's when I was in the states and almost threw up when I bit into it"