I know my photos aren't close to what he had but it was the only thing I could find that was old and grainy looking. They showed in the movie what looked like a Nazi soldier and a wife to me. I am assuming maybe they are his parents. Plus he had that dope gun, maybe it was his dads? Just my theory.
Just did a net search on the photo.
Some speculate a few things about Lord H.
1.) H used to be a Soldier before the nuclear war, and his wife was killed either in the explosions or later on. Some speculate that is HIM in the photo with his woman. A service background would explain why he knows how to accurately fire and handle a weapon, as well as organize and control a para-military gang like the Berzerkers.
2.) H was close to a nuclear explosion site and the resulting radiation, which is why he lost most of his hair (leaving only random strands here and there on his head). Also mentioned is his disfigured face, which is why he wears a hockey mask.
Again, just speculation from the fans, but interesting nonetheless.