Lady Jaye by Cloud Strife

Cloud Strife

Mako Infused SOLDIER
Apr 16, 2011
Here's another Wry1 inspired custom, and this time it's Lady Jaye. She's been in my WIP thread, but you'll probably notice some changes. I opted for smaller pouches, as it was brought to my attention that the ones I had sculpted were a bit big. I ended up agreeing and decided to remedy that. I left the pouches as they originally were on the vest. I did ditch the pouches hanging from the front of the vest and sculpted a belt and clip around the bottom.

Despite the pain that the eyes were to paint, due to the brim of the hat, I really like how she turned out. I'm glad I ditched the 2-toned green ensemble I was originally going with for the monochromatic green, as it just simply looks better, IMO. I did sculpt a wife-beater under her button-up shirt, and the throat mic with the round pads on it (no idea what they're called) along with the wire running between them and then one running up the side of her neck to her earpiece. It's hard to see the details since they're painted black and so small, but nonetheless, they're there. I did sculpt the straps for the holsters and their clips as well.

I have ordered the Slayer torso that Jedi Master Ben made based off of Wry1's art, but I got impatient and made due with what I had, lol. He did a stellar job on the head-sculpt though.

A couple of shots of her w/Flint

A couple of close-up shots trying reduce the shadow that's created on her face by her hat


Head - Slayer Design Studio
Torso, and Upper Arms - 25th Scarlett w/sculpting on the torso
Lower Arms - ROC Cover Girl
Hands and Legs - Renegades Scarlett w/ sculpting on the legs
Vest - Resolute Flint modified and a sculpted belt w/clip was added


Mar 26, 2011

now thats a lady jaye Hasbro :)

I like how you concealed the cleavage and its more conventional blends so well. man...that Flint she has for a party really rocks!

Congrats on an amazing job dude :)

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Looks great! I'm not looking forward to painting that head for my Shooter custom. Like dg said, I like the lack of cleavage. On some figures, it just gets out of hand.

Where's the rifle from?

Cloud Strife

Mako Infused SOLDIER
Apr 16, 2011
Thanks, guys! Glad you dig her.

MR - Fogger is correct. It's a Marauder rifle. The modular NVR to be exact (I had Marauder John correct me on his facebook page after I called it an M4, lol. Gah, I'm such an ignorant fool when it comes to guns.).


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Thanks, guys! Glad you dig her.

MR - Fogger is correct. It's a Marauder rifle. The modular NVR to be exact (I had Marauder John correct me on his facebook page after I called it an M4, lol. Gah, I'm such an ignorant fool when it comes to guns.).

At least you haven't called a minigun a chain gun yet.