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  • Is that shot you did in the one shot thread a Tech Deck sewer prop? I thought I saw one of those recently but was hesitant on getting it.
    I'm definately interested. I don't think I mentioned this but I had an unexpected $400 dollar bill with a house we rent out in TX(AC went kaput) and my grandfather is on his last leg so were taking a ride up to see him, another couple hundred down the drain, so I'd have to wait like a week and a half to pay if thats not an issue. How much were you looking to get?
    I don't know how much your iterested in the uk stuff so I'm not gonna bore you to death here, but you may be interested in the z force ATC. Its the same as the joe apc but its in z force green the camo top and it has a turret that holds a figure and a comm station and stretcher bay on the inside, and the best part for a ME collector like you: it has 25th sized foot pegs, not arah sized
    Thanks I appreciate it! I don't know how much time it took to get the pattern right, I stressed that one out a bit! It was much more difficult due to the crossmembers and angles and multiple sides than you'd think to get that simple camo to work right. As for the base, there are 3 variants. There is the camo like mine, which is fairly straight sprayed lines, squigly sprayed lines and a jagged masked off camo. I'm trying to find a jagged camo one, but the funds don't quite add up for one in the same condition as mine. I got EXTREMELY lucky on mine as I paid practically nothing on it. I bid 71GBP which is like $115 and one at my max bid and the guy charged 25 gbp(with a couple figures and a very small boat) for shipping. The shipping ended up costing 55GBP :eek:
    This one should have costed me about $300 from the UK and probably even more here in the states, and I just don't have the $ flow to spend that on one :(
    My album doesn't have anything really in it yet. I just put it up yesterday. As you saw I stuck my UK palitoy action force z force command center AKA joe hq repaint(thats a mouth full) pics up there. The Watchtower is the only thing custom in there(not sure if you are familiar to tthe UK line but I'm a big INT'L fan), almost done with it, just need to get more red paint to airbrush the gun with and some stickers from the UK. I may post more pics in my album today.
    Thats like eversparkle to the greatest extent(that sounds so gay!!!). I'm not a member there, too 25th-ish for me. It's not like the good old o-ring days. I'm not the average collector, I just don't fit in with the big name sites
    Yeah Im still doing the styrofoam work. I have alil middle eastern town on the work bench. I just dont have time to take pics.
    Not much. Basically X and MB are not getting along and everyone else is making fun of it LOL. Good times *sigh*
    My bad lol. Didn't mean to bring up old wounds. I signed back up for the site the day it came back up, however I didn't start posting until the next month. I mainly hung out in the h8te threads. So I've been bumping old dio threads that I missed.

    So you just typed banned under your name? or....
    cool cool, i didn't realize i didnt hit the conversation button, sry bro. It was late and i was watching Family Guy. lol.
    I can't think of any one in particular off the top of my head... But just those innocent incidents that he gets into, where he's made to look like a dick when he's not really. He's just honest, and has a bad case of luck. That's me.
    What IG? The social group is Hiss Tankbusters started by Malcadon. I just started the CMF thread there. I can't delete anybody.
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