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  1. NSA

    MTF-based 3-man SEAL Insertion Team

    Are those the standard MTF bodies? For some reason I had it in my head that their shinguard things were way bigger. I haven't looked at mine in forever. Great paint jobs on those guys!
  2. NSA

    Slaymakers MTF Customs

    Very cool! What is the parts combo?
  3. NSA

    Marauder Inc. General Thread

    Oh that's not terrible. Wish I had the $1K to drop on the big package, seems like the best deal but too rich for my blood right now.
  4. NSA

    Marauder Inc. General Thread

    Oh.. that makes sense. I guess I could have read the updates! I hate the layout of kickstarter though, it gets so jumbled with these big KS with lots of goals/options/etc. Does Marauder make the figures available to buy normally down the road? I can't remember how much the first figures cost...
  5. NSA

    Marauder Inc. General Thread

    Did they lower the totals or something? I feel like the stretch goals used to be higher. Russians would be nice.
  6. NSA

    Plant Green Valley 1:18 scale line.

    Man they just need a Titan and we've got Titanfall. Edit: For reference: Titanfall Spectre
  7. NSA

    Hk 416

    Sad, but makes sense I guess.
  8. NSA

    Complex base building system

    I mean the idea is cool, it is just priced out of reality due to the # of pieces you'd need to buy to get a decent looking dio.
  9. NSA

    ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Islamists, Jihadists, and Jihadi Johhny

    Very nice! What kind of pickup is that?
  10. NSA

    Raw footage and preproduction in post ...

    I wonder how those movies do it? Usually I think their miniatures are bigger than 4" Joes so maybe that makes it easier to not disturb as much?
  11. NSA

    Raw footage and preproduction in post ...

    Damn man, you're getting good!! I expect a full motion picture before too long!
  12. NSA

    G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions

    That sucks.. maybe they can pick up the Battlefield license?
  13. NSA

    Marauder Inc. General Thread

    Whew.. those look fancy.
  14. NSA

    Marauder Inc. General Thread

    $500,000 seems like a really high number to hit judging by the previous kickstarters isn't it? Does he think the WWII demand is that high?
  15. NSA

    MRATT Mine Resistant All Terrain Type

    I need to buy a new house just to make a dio room.
  16. NSA

    Marauder Inc. General Thread

    That looks pretty sweet. How many days left?
  17. NSA

    The Great Fighting 1:18th Bake Sale!

    There are always cookies! We'll see if anyone else stops by..
  18. NSA

    The Great Fighting 1:18th Bake Sale!

    $2.. $3.50.. all accepted! Thank you Slaymaker!!
  19. NSA

    Hiya Aliens Line

    That story checks out!