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  1. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    Zeta's Superion looks pretty great. I wanna toss my TFC attempt in the trash.
  2. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    Is that official product? It looks as cheap as the super mini KO G1I picked up years ago.
  3. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    Those little MOTU are awesomely adorable.
  4. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    Medium sized theater and EVERY seat was sold. C'mon H-wood! We want G1!
  5. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    So they are excited for a family night out together. You can't ask for more. Take some pics. Remember it. They'll be distant teens soon.
  6. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    Do you guys often do movie nights out?
  7. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    Movie night!
  8. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    Hmm, yeah. And the wings and the tail even though it's nowhere near the tail end.
  9. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    Yeah, it could be done, but creating it out of styrene would probably be better. Shapeways would just be a lot more "factory" looking, especially with the better materials they now offer. I wish the guy I did the Menasor kit with was a fan of the toy look. Maybe I can convince of "if you build...
  10. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    If I had CAD skills, I'd be all over making that happen at the very least by way of Shapeways.
  11. G.I.*EDDIE


    Awesome. Absolutely awesome.
  12. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    There's got to be a build-it-yourself way around them.
  13. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    Never been a fan of the red chrome or any chromed color on figures aside from regular chrome being where chrome should be. If FT wants my money, they need to release a non-deco version with a red nose and booster add-on parts. Spare head in box. Then some decal place can release a decal set.
  14. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    Oh jeeze, really? I didn't even hear that one.
  15. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    All G1 does is tick me off more at Bayformers and what could've been. Stupid egotistical H-wood thinking that what was good NEEDS to be changed. Why? Why would G1 not have succeeded just as much, if not more, than Bayformers? Would kids and GA really have thought, "Ewwww! They look like the...
  16. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    Why do they just HAVE to be dicks? "Starscream is an F-15" "Cool, lets make him an F-4 in our movie" "What? Why? There is another TF that already is an F-4" "*evil grin* Just cause."
  17. G.I.*EDDIE

    Takara Transformers

    It's a shame that near all of them will likely be only flashbacks to Cybertron in a 5 minute scene. Still...
  18. G.I.*EDDIE

    Weyland-Yutani Scientist Figure

    It takes a few tries to get the right size, but if you cut a triangle shape, poke a hole in each corner and pop it over the neck before replacing the head, you can get a decent hood.
  19. G.I.*EDDIE

    Weyland-Yutani Scientist Figure

    The EVA works quite well as webbing. Though I'm guessing even the thinnest sheet would be too thick for 1:18th webbing. Looks good. You need to tackle the hood. There are a few methods for turning all kinds of cloth into convincing scale clothing for figures if you use thin material.