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    AGM-65 Mavericks with LAU-117Launch Rails

    That is beautiful work. What does a pair with launcher rails run?
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    Advanced APC

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    Advanced APC

    The military is field testing a new Armored Personnel Carrier larger than a Bradley or Stryker. It’s been nicknamed ‘The Beast’...
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    The Lost Squad

    Really excellent work.
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    PMC Little Bird

    This was done first and done better by Digler utilizing a BBI Liitle Bird. At the price of one of the BBI Little Birds today I settled for a Private Military Contractor Little Bird utilizing a Chap Mei helicopter...
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    Wayward Goat Collectibles MARV Modular Armored Range Vehicle Coming Soon To Kickstarter

    I agree the MG is oversized and creates more of a toy vibe then the replica feeling the MARV otherwise imparts.
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    Good job.
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    Combat Bulldozer

    Chap Mei made a Merkava like tank. This will be the base vehicle for a future custom that can be used with the Combat Bulldozer...
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    Combat Bulldozer

    Yes, the base vehicle is a 1/16 Bruder Caterpillar D-9 Bulldozer. These are used extensively by the US military and the Israeli Defense Forces.
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    Combat Bulldozer

    Combat Bulldozer...
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    Combat Bulldozer

    On occasion enemy combatants erect barriers to impede the advance of ‘friendlies’. If the sector is fortunate they can call upon a combat Bulldozer to make short work of the obstacle...
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    Martyrs for the Caliphate

    And here is the recipe for the Martyrs: Torso: 50th Spirit. Arms-ROC Desert Ambush Duke. Legs- Retaliation Beachhead, Vest are casts of 50th/POC Snake Eyes, headsculpts by Doug Brown.
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    Martyrs for the Caliphate

    Here is another group of Jihadists I commisioned. They are known by Western Intelligence as the Martyrs for the Caliphate...
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    Jihadists - Men in Black

    Yes, they are the Tru-Heroes troop trucks.
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    Jihadists - Men in Black

    Base figure is a GI Joe Snake Eyes. Head sculpt, web gear, and weapons were from Doug Brown. Scarve and hands are MTF and the soft goods were made by my spouse.
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    Jihadists - Men in Black

    Later that evening the MIB found an unwanted guest...
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    Jihadists - Men in Black

    Here are some of the figures I’ve commisioned. A tip of the hat to Digler for inspiring my Jihadists. Among the most feared fighters in the Caliphate is a group known in the West as the Men in Black...
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    Night Ops HMMV’s

    Pickelhaube is a member here. PM him with your inquiry.
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    Night Ops HMMV’s

    The second Night Ops vehicle is set up as a ‘gun truck’ for sticky situations. It features a turret and is heavily armed with 2 heavy machine guns, a grenade launcher, an automatic rifle, a snipers rifle, and a bazooka.
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    Night Ops HMMV’s

    Wanted to share a few more of the HMMV customs that I commisioned. These were envisioned as SEALS transports for Night Ops. The first HMMV has 2 heavy machine guns and an automatic rifle.