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  1. Rick

    Digler's Turret 2.0 final product

  2. Rick

    2nd HEMTT gun truck

    Wow Dig! That's something else. Just amazing work.
  3. Rick

    Cardboard HUMMVEE by HUNMARINE

    Handy work!
  4. Rick

    Delta And Green Beret bbi customs

    I dug the Maratime fig except I didn't see myself doing many ship dios so the life vest had to go. Carved them off and added Hockey tape Shemagh's. First group is Desert Delta and single is Green Beret. Will be a 3 to 4 man team also.
  5. Rick

    Meet Rover

    Weapons Officer: Ok air quality is normal. No bio hazards. MAV Commander: Ok, lets get Rover ready to head out and take a look. Ok boy, go gettem Ok, Lets make this clean
  6. Rick

    Tree Line

    Loch, Majors and Chaz from Team Spear Track and hunt the enemy from Tree Line
  7. Rick

    New bbi Elite force Customs

    Crusader Desert Recon Team Delta Ops Damn life vest kills it. I'm experimenting on a fourth one that will be multicam where I shaved it off and will try to create the shemagh with hockey tape Patriot Forces: Minuteman RINO Crew These are the Crew Captain and...
  8. Rick

    MVAMP Command Vehicle

    Finished The hood mounted 50 Cal is remote controlled by co-pilot
  9. Rick

    MVAMP Command Vehicle

    Getting close Here's a couple teasers
  10. Rick

    SDEROT - Crusaders Make A Stand

    It's been a long war for Israel and the lull in fighting was only going to be temporary since Operation Goliath but with the Islamic State making a comeback after the EMP attacks a couple years ago Israel finds itself trying to defend its shrinking border. With US Patriot Forces gaining...
  11. Rick

    ATR Viper's Nest Technical

    My Oath Keepers need one
  12. Rick

    Tread Ripper

    Looking like it would fit in Acid Rain world just fine. Cage is awesome
  13. Rick

    SH-60 Seahawk

    Wow this is going to be a treat
  14. Rick

    MVAMP Command Vehicle

    Here's the convertible version ;-)
  15. Rick

    6x6 MRAP

    No kidding aye?!? I knew they were big but wow. Can't to see one in civilian world down the road all done up as a camper some day. Or as one of those big ass desert racers
  16. Rick

    2nd HEMTT gun truck

    Wicked Cool
  17. Rick

    Stealth Blackhawk/Ghosthawk....WIP

    I have patience, so lets get it going already. ;-)
  18. Rick

    MVAMP Command Vehicle

    I used Tamiya "Light Sand" Yeah the paper has thickness and just looks more like fabric than a shiny decal
  19. Rick

    MVAMP Command Vehicle

    Easy, you just have to trim down the circumference of the peg a tad for a tight fit.
  20. Rick

    MVAMP Command Vehicle

    Wanted an enclosed Desert VAMP Command type vehicle to compliment the Gun Truck . Finished the body paint, interior paint apps and started on the exterior. Finish that, then weather and outfit. Still going to add laptops and video screens for rear passengers on the back of the front head...