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  1. Rick

    best material for slings

    Hockey tape
  2. Rick

    The Devils Backbone

    The Devils Backbone has been an important strategic stronghold for Al Qeda and other covert enemy forces seperating the forces of good and evil in the mountains of Afghanistan. If the forces for freedom could take the ridge they could then have the high ground making an assault on these...
  3. Rick


    Welcome aboard. Hey I got into this late and is recent to me also, but because of the cool attitudes here mostly I got alot of help and good insight.
  4. Rick

    Calling in a Strike

    Whiskey members Batman (sniper) and Crash (JTAC) work their way in close to the enemy to call in an airstrike on an enemy strong hold.
  5. Rick

    Team Whiskey JTAC - Crash

    A former Marine aviator Crash works as Team Whiskey's JTAC After being shot down twice Crash had lost his nerve to fly but fight.
  6. Rick

    Rebel Angel Munitia (for Lance858a's Universe) Pic Heavy

    incredible imagination. Nice work bro!
  7. Rick

    Desert Sting redux

    That"S one tough looking ride. Who's gonna ride in that rig?
  8. Rick

    Cobra Mech Thing

    Lance that Rebel Angel figure is balls!
  9. Rick

    Cobra Mech Thing

    I too am not into these things, but your artistry is incredible to put together all those different scales and everyday items to create things like this is pretty damn cool. Look forward to enjoying more of your work.
  10. Rick

    SEAL Team 6

    Wearing their new multi enviroment digital organic BDU's (Did I cover it all): Jesse, Duke & LL are gearing up to embark on a mission to take out a stratigic point of look out on a ridgeline where enemy snipers have been known to fire from. If successful this will serve as a perfect location for...
  11. Rick

    Tutorial: Creating Dio Walls from Foam

    Here are some progress pics. Feel like I've turned the corner now that the cobblestone is done. Goal is to have 4 (12 x 12) interchangeable sidewalks with 2 sided building facades. At 12x12 I can do some interior stuff looking through a room out and down into the intersection (especially now...
  12. Rick

    Task Force 27 Land Rover Defender

    No kidding. I own a Discovery and have spent alot of time at the dealership and had a mechanic who raced them off road who helped me upgrade and beef it up over time. They could put jeep out of business if they released those here in the US There is a guy in a couple towns over who sells...
  13. Rick

    Chain Link Fence

    Very Nice! Thanks for the reference as I will eventually need to make a C L fence.
  14. Rick

    Task Force 27 Land Rover Defender

    Ah Dude, I'm so envious. I been wanting to do one forever. Beautiful job!! Absolutely beautiful.
  15. Rick

    Custom Micronauts Lobros *DONE*

    Looks cool, still wish you used the claws.
  16. Rick

    UH-808 Kestrel Gunship(Black Dragon Custom build)

    serious skill! How did you do the lines on the NASA orbital Arrowhead Fighter.
  17. Rick

    U.S. may soon have real HISS

    You gotta be kidding me. Great show as well as what they do. I'm sure you guys have seen this, I haven't. aw this posted over on Joedios. All you HISS haters may be eating crow. Maybe a custom contest to build one of these. I'd love to see all the variations...
  18. Rick

    UH-808 Kestrel Gunship(Black Dragon Custom build)

    Stash or store!!?? WOW. I've never seen these figures. Good Stuff
  19. Rick

    The Screaming Eagles

    Air Force Pararescue & Recon Team: Desert /Mountain. JOE heads Our Wars Torso, arms and vest Unimax legs and additional pouches influencing images included
  20. Rick


    Wolfepak's Team Leader. Heinrick Luftkin was a son of a Geologist and spent alot of his childhood traveling with his Dad on numerous expeditions throughout the Himalaya's. This is where he learned about the landscape and it's people. He loved to hunt and became a natural leader of men on...