The dimensional borders between the Nine Worlds of Norse myth are thin and bleed into one another in many places, and the physical laws often twist perversely. At the boundary between Svartalfheim and Muspelheim, Svartalves (Dark Elves in the original Aesir) become victim to the physics of the...
Behold, the Darkness Primordial. The Unending Darkness. The Void between all the Stars. In the pocket universe of Olympus and its tangential worlds, Chaos was primeval and interminable.
In time without measuring Erebus came into being and was the First One. The Silence and Cold Black...
I'm wanting piiiiiiiiiiiiiics!!!!!!!!! of nacho's CoD/TWD combos. I already know both types of product are fairly nice, I'm curious how well they mesh together.
Take pics! I'm not huge into the CoD stuff except where it mingles well with the Halo, but I could get down with some MBs hanging in the TWD sets if it doesn't come off too wierd. The Governor's Living Room has a ton of fun display value for all kinds of characters, esp if one reaches back to...
Mokoro the Freebooter. Once the second eldest son of Chief Bakunji of the Wakandagan tribe, Mokoro was orphaned and enslaved when his city was overrun.
His parents and elder brother were killed and he, his two younger brothers, and all five of his sisters were taken far away to desert lands...
Today, I picked up a few more movie TMNT, cobbling together a whole team. I got the single-box Pirate Mikey and D-Day Raph plus the box set of Rocksteady on his chopper with Leo. Single-box Leo is a clear green stealth version I'll be passing on. I'll probably get the Classics...
Impregnated by Poseidon and Cursed by Athena for her 'transgression' to forever turn men that gaze upon her into stone, Medusa fled to a cave far from Athens to lament her fate. After seven agonizing months, she birthed a large clutch of leathery eggs all alone and was transformed to resemble...
Thanks, gents. Yeah, the red was a metric pain in the ass. You're looking at like 20-odd coats, with matte sealant in between every 2-3 coats. I'd been painting her for like a week and a half!
GCPD Alert to all Gotham and Tri-State citizens: be on the look-out for one or more women, aged 15-30, calling herself the 'Harlequin of Crime'. This or these individuals are wanted for questioning in the deaths of four individuals, twenty-seven assaults, and numerous robberies and burglary...
Regent of the Sun, Archangel of the Divine Presence, Presider over Gehenna, Archangel of salvation, Destroyer of the hosts of Sennacherib.
He stands at the Gate of Eden with a fiery sword, the Archangel who watches over thunder and terror. He led Abraham to the West, and He checked the doors...
Lt Adam Power was Operations Chief assigned to the Federation starship USS Ascendant in 2833 when he was dispatched to the surface of an unexplored world in the Barlowe trinary system. Upon finding a relic in ruins of what appeared to be a religious complex similar to Stonehenge back on Earth...
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