Search results

  1. fogger1138

    G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions

    It's going to be very difficult not to go nuts on the CoD stuff.
  2. fogger1138

    MU update

  3. fogger1138

    MU update

    Still tempted by the Cloak and Dagger at TRU. Sadly the shipping discount I get for having ShopRunner doesn't work on these, even if I have other qualifying products in my cart. :wtf:
  4. fogger1138

    G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions

    Not Joe, but kinda cool:
  5. fogger1138

    Amazing Spider Man 2, Capt. A 2 figures

  6. fogger1138

    MU update

    Some of the others are there, TRU just spells like Eddie:
  7. fogger1138

    Amazing Spider Man 2, Capt. A 2 figures

    The Cap Legends build-a-figure Mandroid is kinda cool. Looks like the cool stuff is Legends scale (Obi's comments notwithstanding - I'm going by what they list).
  8. fogger1138

    MU update

    Amazon had them listed that way too, and then everyone got single figures. Check out the reviews:
  9. fogger1138

    John Snow

    "You know nothing, Jon Snow." Nice work. Wouldn't have expected something that nice looking with Joe parts.
  10. fogger1138

    MU update

    Will probably pick up Fury and Hawkeye. No interest in scrotum head.
  11. fogger1138

    Marvel: Phase Two

    "Forever alone with mah feet!" It's like a country song.
  12. fogger1138

    Marvel: Phase Two

    Well, crap. Meme fail!
  13. fogger1138

    Marvel: Phase Two

    Someone crying in joy, was my understanding. I could be wrong.
  14. fogger1138

    Marvel: Phase Two

    I have a SITE?!?
  15. fogger1138

    G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions

    TRU is finally showing the rest of the sets:
  16. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    Some examples: SOMEONE ON THE FORUM: :words: movie Thor :words: G.I. EDDIE: OMG WHY HE NO HAZ HELMET :words: ICONIC! --- SOMEONE ON THE FORUM: :words: online retailer :words: or :words: buying figures online :words: G.I. EDDIE: OMG BBTS SCALPERZ! --- SOMEONE ON THE FORUM: *something...
  17. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    Says the board's biggest scab-picker.
  18. fogger1138

    Taterbot Casting Thread

    Cool, thanks man.
  19. fogger1138

    On the Workbench

    Had some time (finally) to work on customs tonight, so here's a WIP for one of my HeroQuest figures for this weekend...