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  1. fogger1138

    How to make an explosion effect without Photoshop

    Picked up everything I need to try this while I was out this weekend. Now just need some free time!
  2. fogger1138

    Professor X!!!
  3. fogger1138

    Professor X!!!

    CLICK. LINK. IN. SIG. EDIT: Wasn't ever its own thread.
  4. fogger1138

    Professor X!!!

    That's about $18.50 US, if anyone's wondering.
  5. fogger1138

    Professor X!!!

    That was in the news thread. Also linked in my sig.
  6. fogger1138

    Professor X!!!

    All our activity has been in the "Marvel U" thread.
  7. fogger1138

    Nom De Plume

    Think the hands look like a RoC Storm Shadow... I like!
  8. fogger1138

    Iron Man 3

    Yeah, they're probably thinking they can still get the kid market and spend less on tooling.
  9. fogger1138

    The Highwayman

    Or a reference to the Sally Field speech that The Mask was riffing on.
  10. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    Yeah, this happened with mine - no movement for a while and then it suddenly flashed across the country. :)
  11. fogger1138

    Casting Sites: Links, Info + Alerts

    Mine came the same way - is it bad that I didn't think twice about it?
  12. fogger1138

    Iron Man 3

    Two, actually - both the next Wolverine film and the X-men: First Class: Days of Future Past: How Many Subtitles Do We Need, Really? film. I love that DoFP is going to have both McAvoy and Stewart as Xavier and Fassbender and McKellan as Magneto.
  13. fogger1138

    Iron Man 3

    Iron Man is in the upcoming Guardians comic, so maybe.
  14. fogger1138

    Iron Man 3

    I'd settle for Pepper as Rescue, even.
  15. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    True, if SWG has it, no worries.
  16. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    If they're sculpts from another casting company, please don't.
  17. fogger1138

    Iron Man 3

    More signs of a move back to 6" figures on Hasbro's part.
  18. fogger1138

    Iron Man 3

    I bought quite a few of the IM2 figures in the long run, but they were almost entirely different molds.
  19. fogger1138

    Iron Man 3

    There are a couple other guys in armor, too, as I recall.