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  1. fogger1138

    Custom Figure Painting Tutorial by MIKED

    I'll have to try this next time. I've never tried it as a sealer. I tried one sealer that did not work out well for me (it was old and may have gone bad?) - I'll have to try this instead. Does it work fairly well in preventing rub as well? Most people probably won't have problems with...
  2. fogger1138

    Custom Figure Painting Tutorial by MIKED

    Okay, that's what I thought you meant, but I wanted to be sure. There's probably a lot of painting techniques that people take for granted that I have no clue about. :)
  3. fogger1138

    Custom Figure Painting Tutorial by MIKED

    Some questions from a novice: What do you mean when you say "point the brush"? You use that a few times in the tutorial and it's not clear to me from context where I should be pointing it. (For instance: "For this you want to make sure that only the tip of the brush has paint on it so brush...
  4. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    Please no - if you're going to cast it, cast the Stinger Driver who had the same gear but with the holster on the back. :thumbsup: I can send one if people want it (maybe I was the person Slay mentioned?) Yes please.
  5. fogger1138

    G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions

    You could include the 25th line in this definition, then.
  6. fogger1138

    G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions

    You're not missing much, Obi - it's just the cover to the first GI Joe issue from Marvel drawn with Kre-O style figures.
  7. fogger1138

    G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions

    News to me. Cool! Don't they have compatible Halo figures, too? Could make for some cool stuff.
  8. fogger1138

    Well that's just Prime

    We've got a few threads around here about them, Keenan - the search function is your friend. :pirate: There's the latest:
  9. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    Or anywhere else, for that matter.
  10. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    Agreed. Leave it as is. Just got in my second order from Jesse, everything looks great. Can't wait to start using this stuff. :thumbsup:
  11. fogger1138

    Well that's just Prime

    Wow, that thing was older than I thought.
  12. fogger1138

    Well that's just Prime

    Yeah, the diecast one was transforming, but didn't hold any figures.
  13. fogger1138

    Well that's just Prime

    Pretty sure there was a die cast Voltron that predates that one (because I had the die cast one for a year before a friend of mine got that one).
  14. fogger1138

    Well that's just Prime

    The perfect Eddieism - doesn't even need changing.
  15. fogger1138

    StarWarsGeek custom casts

    Not yet - I thought today, so hopefully tomorrow.
  16. fogger1138

    StarWarsGeek custom casts

    Awesome, I've been needing a tutorial on how to make a pressure pot!
  17. fogger1138

    Well that's just Prime

    Yeah, let's get a reenactment of the 80s Transformers movie. :)
  18. fogger1138

    Well that's just Prime

    Bunch of spinny, blurry photos where you can't tell who is fighting who!
  19. fogger1138

    Online hobby stores

    Any suggestions for a decent online store for paints, tools, styrene, etc.?
  20. fogger1138

    Tales Of Desolation Tombstone & his Decimator

    That is really sharp looking, very cool. Are the fingers articulated on those hands?