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  1. fogger1138

    Marauder series 6 detailed pictures

    So, someone else resorted to name calling and Obi got banned? That makes sense.
  2. fogger1138

    Marauder series 6 detailed pictures

    Because trolling isn't against the rules. Sorry to hear it, Obi - but not really sorry. I want details, what happened?
  3. fogger1138

    Professor X!!!

    Looks like Puck:
  4. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    But the RoC Wild Bill didn't come with a helmet... :confused::confused:
  5. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    I'd be interested. I don't have one to mod right now, though.
  6. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    Hey, cool, thanks!
  7. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    Yeah, I don't remember anymore what I've offered to send you.
  8. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    I do, I can send you that if Slaymaker doesn't have one in his big pile of stuff that he's already sending. I would love to see casts of that Apache helmet made available.
  9. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    Oh, this isn't going to go anywhere good.
  10. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    Yeah, this could just be a furtherance of an earlier misunderstanding. Let's not blow things up.
  11. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    You'd miss me. ;) Right? Guys? Crap.
  12. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    You've all been reported! NYAH! And I have a new friend to add to my "infractions" folder. It's been so long...
  13. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    I'm going to have to start reporting more posts.
  14. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    I'd say there's very little chance of that happening. :thumbsup:
  15. fogger1138

    Tofujesse Castings: Announcements & Discussion

    Looks like the Collectors Club requested that a similar thread over at the Tank be closed.
  16. fogger1138

    Strikefire APC custom

    I need to get one of these now.
  17. fogger1138

    Ultimate Ninja

    Or your displacement, as the case may be. :)
  18. fogger1138

    Ultimate Ninja

    I never said individual toes, no. I think you're projecting your own fetish now.
  19. fogger1138

    Ultimate Ninja

    When I suggested this I was accused of having a foot fetish - wasn't that by you? :wtf: Something you're not telling us, Eddie?