So yeah making gi joe scaled toys, I have learned, is much different than accurate 1/18th scaled replicas. In this hobby of ours, it's the joe's that have our priority, so the vehicles seemed to always come second, and so, companies made their own 'accurate' figures with their 'accurate' replica vehicles.
Us costumisers have to 'imagineer' joe scale. In other words I can make a cockpit fit a joe, but after all the gear is applied to the joe, he is much bigger in bulk and wont 'fit' into the same spot. So trying to make the inside bigger 'joe scale', while keeping the outside in 1/18th scale, needs a lot of ingenuity and imagination.....and will never completely satisfy everyone.
This is how I get scale without proper measurements,
So you see the how big that 4x4 Cougar is against a Humvee....obviously the 6x6 will look massive compaired to the Humvee....and really the 6x6 Cougar is a fucking beast.
The M-35 is very close to the same height as the Cougar.....maybe even a little bigger...but not much
You see how big the m-35 is, I think the Cougar is a little bigger, but not much. Those HEMTT's are long and just as big as the Cougar, but with full armor and all the gun's on the HEMTT, ( which bulks it out even more like I've done to NSA & HJ's )I'd put my money on the HEMTT.