AngelForge updates


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Sounds like I need to finally post my customs so AF can sell a few more of these.

Anubis and Horus guard customs? Do want pics!

I've got a 1:18 Teal'C head sculpt I should do something with.


Teabagging Ninja
Feb 16, 2012
Last I heard most of those had not yet been shipped to DW.

There's been some debate among the Angel Forge guys about showing work in progress sculpts at all, mostly because of this very issue - people see something that's not available yet and want it and ask about it over and over until it's available. I can assure you, DW puts stuff in the store as fast as it's possible. We knew going into it that posting sculpts that weren't available yet would cause some problems; hopefully we won't regret it.

I've seen this a few times now and as the proponent of giving people the sneak peeks........I'm starting to question that. Theres a lot that needs to happen from the the time Krexx takes pics of the finished work. Sometimes Krexx has a few other sculpts to complete before he sends out the box to Dw. plus the stuff is molded in batches which takes time. as well pulling enough casts to actually have a decent inventory to sell. Add on top of that updating the site with the inventory is not a small task (editing quantities on every part and adding new part). Ultimately when/ IF a certain piece becomes available is at Dw's sole discretion. Him answering questions about when future product would be available is something we wanted to avoid. In the end they'll be available when they are. Last I spoke with him he was working on adding the inventory to the site an update is forthcoming......then again maybe not

I'm positive DW has a plan of when he wants to do updates to the store, but since that plan hinders on some factors not completely within his control I wouldn't expect to him to respond with an answer to peoples when.
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Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Add on top of that the questions that DW receives about why the fuck their sculptor didn't get his side project finished for them on time! :trollface:


Teabagging Ninja
Feb 16, 2012
Add on top of that the questions that DW receives about why the fuck their sculptor didn't get his side project finished for them on time! :trollface:

LOL then theres that!

to follow up..I will say if you have a problem with an order or something, messaging via the store will certainly get an fast response. But I would not expect any response to questions of when x will be avilable.

Maybe we need to decide that if we continue to post sneak peeks that they automatically include a bold disclaimer to the effect that, it will be available when available. will not respond to questions of when that will be!


Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
Anubis and Horus guard customs? Do want pics!

I've got a 1:18 Teal'C head sculpt I should do something with.

I finally did some updates on these that I think are worth posting.

Working on the picture next time I get a chance with the good camera, will also be taken my contest pictures at the same time. But for some odd reason baby & wife are not co-operating. :)

As far as product previews go, I say its a good idea, but I was holding off a purchase in hopes of the new stuff becoming available. (Ended up ordering anyways) But if they preview stuff, I say keep the preview within a reasonable range of when they expect to get product. (I understand delays & re-designs throw off those plans.)
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Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Maybe we need to decide that if we continue to post sneak peeks that they automatically include a bold disclaimer to the effect that, it will be available when available. will not respond to questions of when that will be!

I'll be honest, as much as I enjoy seeing sneak previews early, if they're not timely to the release date, it makes me anxious and pissed off if it's not in a window close to release. This practice of Hollywood releasing "teaser trailers" 2 years before the damn movie has made me start to hate seeing them. It actually cuts down on the excitement in the long run.

Take Kwinn or the Cobra Night Landing Craft. Or any of the Takara Masterpiece figures. They show prototypes 6-12 months before the release date, and then push back the release dates (and who knows wtf is happening with the NLC yet) and then by the time they're released, people sometimes lose interest. I know it was that way with me.

TL;DR: I would stop posting sneak peeks until the week or 2 before they're ready to go live. You guys are a small operation and need to build up some excitement, but not waste your time sifting through emails of people bitching about why isn't X available yet.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
LOL then theres that!

to follow up..I will say if you have a problem with an order or something, messaging via the store will certainly get an fast response. But I would not expect any response to questions of when x will be avilable.

Ahh, my apologies to you & DW then. :eek:

I guess I'll just wait and keep my fingers crossed.


Teabagging Ninja
Feb 16, 2012
Ahh, my apologies to you & DW then. :eek:

I guess I'll just wait and keep my fingers crossed.

no apologies needed, I'm sure. just saying that DW is probably too busy to respond to matters that arn't directly affecting the store. One can imagine that with as much inventory as he has it can be maddening to figure out when the next batch of a particular item will be available. I'm sure he'd like to answer all the questions he gets. This is more directed at the question of new items not restock per se

As for better timing the sneak peeks, its probably a good idea. But with the amount of pieces and the complimentary pieces that get scheduled after, its far easier to repost the pics Jose sends then to try and determine whats going to be in this store update or that update. If I remember corretly I seemed to be the lone wolf in favor when we discussed previewing upcoming product. I expected the questions of when such and such might be available naturally but the follow ups when theres no answer to the question has proven that the others were far smerter. :)
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Aug 1, 2011
New Joisey
A word about questions:

1) Just Email me ONCE about a subject. If you don't hear from me after 5 days, then email again.

2) Keep it short. Name, date, order number.

3) DO NOT send me PM's, IM's or any other communication other than email to the above address. It won't get answered.

4) I don't spend time answering questions that have answers already posted elsewhere. Take a look at the store forum (listed below) or the front page of the store before writing.

5) Please don't expect me to send updates every day, it isn't going to happen. The time is better spent actually working on the orders rather than talking to you about working on them.

6) I would like to say it goes without saying, but evidently not: Be nice.



All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
What's the average turnaround time for an order, fellas?


Caution: Troll Ahead!
Mar 14, 2011
Plainfield, IL
Less than a week for me, too. But Arizona mail coming IN to the state seems to move faster than when I send mail OUT of the state. Figure THAT shit out.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Sounds like shipping time is a matter of parts being on-hand.

Had an idea for a split-tail Dreadnok and they have a suitable torso and head.


Caution: Troll Ahead!
Mar 14, 2011
Plainfield, IL

Just placed an order for 2, MA2 ,50cals with shield and oh, what a good price!
Item #: AW#00041

When I get the mounts back I may have to see about using these on my Huey.

That things going on my patrol boat next time I order.

That gun is awesome, I'll be ordering some of those! F'n sweet!!

Damn good timing! My PTE boat came the other day and needs a proper means of defense.

Glad you guys like 'em. Buy many! ;)


Plastic Pimp
Mar 2, 2013
What are the posiblities of getting the Slimer figure in a tranparent Green color? Like a Mountain Dew bottle.

Very possible:

If you guys ever want a non-flesh color that in-stock items are defaulted, simply contact us BEFORE placing the order. We will make the item for you and and let you know when it is ready to purchase. Once we make the item for you we will e-mail you back and give you instructions to add in the note field (like: DP#00020 in Translucent green) for the order puller to see. This will insure you get the right item set aside for you with your order. This also lets us make and have the item for you BEFORE you pay. We often get special requests with orders after the order is placed.....and we try our best to make them.....but to keep things as automated as possible please let us make it for you in advance.

The painted copy above was on a flat colored body mounted on a regular base. We used DP#0017 as a base for the translucent figures. The base was not intended for this function (they were portal markers) but work very well with this figure and can be made with the same colors if you wish.


Officer III
Sep 12, 2011
No clue what that is...a head with brain?...a goblet with brains?...either way! it's AWESOME!

They're awesome! They are featured in Marvel Comics GI Joe #95. Remember the Paine Brothers? After Snake-Eyes got his new face, they burned him again throwing the coals from one of those in his face. SE got his V3 suit from those guys. I'd post a photo but my image hosting site is down.

Ninja'd by Mswi!!!!!!!!!!!!