Things could have changed, but I was under the impression that 3.75" Black series was going on hiatus.
No articulated 4" product announced....but who's up for a Black Series 26" TIE Fighter for $170?!
I just found out the 5POA Rebels 2 packs are going up from $9.99 to $14.99!They have to reduce articulation to stop price increases, but the price still goes up. Kind of like destroying the village to save it.
I think it is about time Hasbro thought about moving to another country.A lot of it is Chinese labor costs.
I just found out the 5POA Rebels 2 packs are going up from $9.99 to $14.99!
I heard off camera he claimed he just wanted to get his kids on TV
Hmm, no tag for 3.75" figures? Desert and Snow assortments could be cool for harvesting accessories if these were Black or VOTC-level figures, which we can be fairly certain they aren't.