Footloose's, Fled's and Morelock's are already awesome pics then you add Red and the others on the site. August will be a close race for sure!!!!
Man, it's getting hot in here past few days
hell yea! I'm just waiting for RED to drop the bomb on us
I hope yall will like it---Im just doin' a few more little things. Ill have it up soon.roposetoast:---RED---
and how come im the first to post banner entries anymore...hmmmmmmmm
Took these today outside the house, no photoshop.
Murdock and Wallace are just shootin' the shit.
I'm leaning more toward the first one; I think the Humvees are more visually interesting than the Bradley.
Any more input on mine?
I'll be setting up the voting around the 27th.
I'll be setting up the voting around the 27th.
I should have the poll up by early afternoon PST. I completely spaced it. Sorry about that all.