It's staying as is for this round. In the end this is for fun. That's why we do themes. It creates a challenge and changes things up. Not many places do that. The rule issue is on me. I didn't check everything to let people know about the picture sizes so I take blame for it. The only reason we really do the sizes is so that when people are voting they can see what it will look like.
At the end of the day we are in this for fun. Of course there are some bragging rights but it's still something we all like to do. We appreciate the contributions everyone makes for the site. Without you guys doing this we'd just be saying Eddie likes dudes all the time. Wait.....we do that anyway!
especially the part about it being Blood's fault
Seriously though, it's nice to see people get passionate about the contest and this is the most competitive month in a long time.
Hopefully this will translate into next month as well.