Before I start, let me introduce to you our new custom group:
Syndicate of Hungarian Custom Makers:
final circle version by
America Capitan, on Flickr
We are a small Hungarian customizer group specifing on different "1/18th" or "3 and 3/4 inch" figure custom making.
We are trying to use as much creative technique as posssible to solve and aprroach different executions, so our customs
can develop each time when we doing something new. Also we are always opened for new things and ready to help out
fellow collectors and hobby lovers if we can

Here are our facebook link where you can check out our custom works:
If you remember, long time ago I did a cardboard truck from a Shoebox
So I get back to the idea, how can I develop the technique and building methods/ I choosed a simple model, made by great papercraft designer Rawen at the scale of 1/43: TATRA SOT guntruck.
I"ve built up the original model out of
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America Capitan, on Flickr
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America Capitan, on Flickr
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America Capitan, on Flickr
Than I decided to scale it up nearly to 1/18 and make it Joe compatible. Here are the results
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America Capitan, on Flickr
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America Capitan, on Flickr
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America Capitan, on Flickr
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America Capitan, on Flickr
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America Capitan, on Flickr
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America Capitan, on Flickr
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America Capitan, on Flickr
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America Capitan, on Flickr