Casting Sites: Links, Info + Alerts

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Casting/Repro Parts Stores: (for stickers, check out

* Casters: Please contact me or another mod by PM or post in the thread if you would like your site added to or removed from this list. Otherwise, it's here for directory purposes and not intended to be promoted by the

This is the catch-all thread for casting store alerts, info, or issues, that can act as a "411" type for buyers interested in 1:18 scale casted parts.

This thread may or may not last long, but the goal was to create a thread to alert folks of delays or bad customer service from casting stores. The is not associated with any stores, although most of the store owners are members here, and some are officers, so you may see them listed as "partners" since we try to promote and support the customization hobby within our own collecting hobby.

If things get too hairy, I may shut down the thread, but we were starting to derail other threads with this discussion and I don't want certain casters to receive flak from ones that aren't associated with them, as off-topic conversations can sometimes get confusing. I'm hoping we can keep things civil and if you have any issues to PLEASE FIRST CONTACT THE SELLER VIA THEIR SITE OR VIA PM but if you have had recurring issues, please post here. Sellers/store owners, if this becomes too much of a pain in the ass for you, we will shut it down.

****I am going to import/move conversations from other threads that get onto this topic to save face in the other topics, so if you wound up subscribed to this thread by mistake, that may be the reason why. Again, if this turns out to be a bad idea, I'll delete it, but let's see if it can work for now.****

EDDIE: TL;DR. Casters, arg! Bad talk go here!
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Mar 14, 2011
Mt Airy, MD
I still have a bunch of parts with Slayer Dave. :S

Nothing major and he'll get them back to me, I'm sure.
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Mar 14, 2011
good luck with that. I know he's had serious health issues, but once the folks over at Club ARAH that got totally taken started making noise, he's gone incommunicado.

What's the story on that anyway? I keep reading about that but have no idea what actually happened.


"Big Guns"
Here's the scoop as I understand it (anyone that knows more, feel free to correct me).

In June '11, he took $100+ from 50+ people for his new o-ring project (4 quarterly figures plus a bonus figure). Then he got sick (cancer). As you'd expect, everyone was really understanding because he had a reputation as an upstanding guy. Everyone was willing to wish him well with his issues and wait; after all, it's only toys vs a guy's mortal health.

After a long time, there were no updates. Again, everyone has been really patient. Then it came out that he'd been checking the club boards pretty regularly but never posting. When someone pointed out that he was visiting regularly, suddenly the information in his profile about his most recent visit was permanently changed to "unknown". He's pretty much ignored all emails, not bothered to post updates on his health or the project, and even the mods and other people involved with making the figures don't know what's going on.

But at this point the assumption is this: if his health had taken a serious turn for the worse, would he really be checking the boards of a project he abandoned? Probably not. The real fear is that he got better, and having spent all the money for the project on something else, has just gone silent hoping all those people will go away. They (myself included) are probably just screwed. However, no one's going postal for fear that he's still dealing with these health issues, in which case, any anger over the project just makes you look like an insensitive ass. No one wants to be an ass, but being left in the dark is VERY frustrating. So most people are seething, sincerely hoping Dave has gotten better, all the while feeling scammed.


Mar 14, 2011
I thought I've seen photos of that figure... were they protos maybe? It was prolly on HT where I saw it.


Green Beret
Feb 20, 2012
They made a couple and sent them to some joe podcast douchebags for promotional purposes and then gave the rest of us the shaft.

The molds for 2 of the 3 figures were completed, it was just a matter of producing the figures. Dave has finally spoken up and stated that he has begun working on making the Pythona figures for people.


Caution: Troll Ahead!
Mar 14, 2011
Plainfield, IL
Hey, don't get me wrong.. I hope Dave's getting better. At the same time, I also know that all the money everyone spent who is still waiting for product, lost that money to pay his bills. And there's no way he can spin it that makes it even remotely justified. I'm sorry, truly sorry the guy was so ill, but it doesn't excuse only sharing pertinent info with select people and not refunding everyone who asked for one.

I hope he's doing well. I'd just like my money back.

On a different note, how's Jesse doing? I hope his holiday went well.


Size matters
Staff member
Mar 13, 2011
Well Dave's health must be decent enough if he is debating working on a project. With that being said he fucked a lot of people, myself included and should make it right. I highly doubt we will see a completed project from him and if so then everyone else should just lean over and take it with no spit like we all have already. Honestly, all the places he sent his molds to should have taken the responsibility for his actions. If they are willing to sell the cast then they should be willing to make his poor business right.


Aug 1, 2011
New Joisey
Honestly, all the places he sent his molds to should have taken the responsibility for his actions. If they are willing to sell the cast then they should be willing to make his poor business right.

Really? Why would you think that?

I'm one of those that got some of the SDS molds a few years back, before all this stuff with his illness started. He sent me several older molds to get me started learning how to cast. I was supposed to supply him with parts if they were ordered via the store, but I never sent him anything because he never asked me to, which leads me to believe that no one ordered the parts that I have the molds for.

Why would you think that I am in ANY WAY responsible for what happened? Why am I to be held accountable for one person who took people's money and didn't send them their merchandise? How does that make ANY sense?

For what it's worth, I offered to fill any orders that Dave didn't send if I had the parts on hand. Besides the molds Dave sent me, I had tons of SDS product that I purchased over the years, and made my own molds of it. I was never approached by anyone asking for parts from me, so I never sent any. But I did it out of the kindness of my own heart, not because I felt responsible for what took place.

By that reasoning, why not hold the people who worked at Enron responsible because their CEO took off with all the money?


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
I agree with MB, but with one addition...that Dave give the people with the molds the money he got for the parts he never supplied to customers...


Teabagging Ninja
Feb 16, 2012
not to hijack Tjs thread, but the molds/rights were purchased outright from Dave. ( at least in the cse of TAF anyways) The misconception is hes leasing out these molds and making some kind of stipend per piece sold. The more apt thing to have done imo would have been to refund all those that were screwed over with the proceeds from those sales. I'm not sure its fair for other stores to make right his shit when he has nothing to do with those stores other than the intial sales transaction. He is not hiding behind the scenes nor partnered with any of the stores I know of.
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Aug 1, 2011
New Joisey
That's correct. I send no money to Dave, never have. All the money that Dave collected from people for parts and subscription figures stayed with Dave. So again, why should I be expected to repay for something that I didn't have any part in? But even still - let's just say that I did make some parts for the store, or for the subscription figures, and Dave paid me to make them. How would that make me responsible to refund anyone? Why would that make anyone besides Dave responsible for refunding the money that was collected? That's almost the same as trying to say that you should get a refund from Jose because he sculpted the parts that you ordered, so he should send you your money back. At the end of the day, there's ONE person that should be held responsible for refunding your money. Dave.


Caution: Troll Ahead!
Mar 14, 2011
Plainfield, IL
So when molds were bought, was product owed to people that they paid for already?

I know when he started leasing and selling off molds, I was among quite a number of people that placed orders prior to his announcement. But 'Don't worry,' he told us. 'I've still got copies so I can fill out these orders before I shut things down completely.'

I think he told me that back in June. I placed two orders before Christmas last year.

I don't think the people who bought the molds are responsible, but I think Dave should have given them the money for casts that were paid for, so that they could send out the orders that he didn't.


Teabagging Ninja
Feb 16, 2012
So when molds were bought, was product owed to people that they paid for already?

I believe some were, if your asking about Dave's intent as to selling the molds that he needed to use to fill the orders (was it at that point he was intentionally planning not to return peoples product/money) He has multiple molds per piece, so I dont think one can say that. But if your asking that these other casters had no business buying his molds because of some sense of moral rightesnous than I would suggest thats an unfair statement as they couldn't have known his intent. For quite awhile I had assummed Dave would make all things right but as time past I realized no ones going to get whats owed to them.

Giga Bread

Mega Calories!
Aug 20, 2011
I think there's more to the story than he simply sold the molds and disappeared.


Teabagging Ninja
Feb 16, 2012
I think there's more to the story than he simply sold the molds and disappeared.

Quite possibly GB, but I am confiedent he is not involved in AngelForge ( which is really the only one I could speak of) I might just be a overly trusting Canadian but I was giving confincing reassurance he was not involved, for if he was I wouldn't be shelling out some of my own money to finance a % of sculpt work from Krexx or be involved at all with AngelForge. But of course thats just my word, for whatever its worth
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Aug 1, 2011
New Joisey
So when you bought those molds you had no clue about what he had done?

I didn't buy the molds. They were sent to me, back in 2009. Maybe 2008. Maybe even longer ago than that, to be honest, I can't remember when he sent them. But it was LONG before all this stuff took place with Dave and the subscription figures, or orders that were never sent. The deal I had with Dave was originally that he would pay me to make the parts that he needed from the molds that I had, as they were purchased through the SDS store. Only he never contacted me regarding any of the pieces that I had.

As I have already mentioned, when things first started going south with Dave and SDS, I put up a public post stating that if anyone had stuff they were owed that I had on hand, even if it was just a piece that I had from my own collection, that I could make molds and casts from, I would send any items out to them. But nobody contacted me.
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Aug 1, 2011
New Joisey
Quite possibly GB, but I am confiedent he is not involved in AngelForge ( which is really the only one I could speak of) I might just be a overly trusting Canadian but I was giving confincing reassurance he was not involved, for if he was I wouldn't be shelling out some of my own money to finance a % of sculpt work from Krexx or be involved at all with AngelForge. But of course thats just my word, for whatever its worth

Well, I can assure that he's not involved with me in any way, shape, or form at this point. In fact, I contacted DarkWynter over at TheAngelforge and got permission from him to run the molds, and made some arrangements with him to continue running the pieces that I have. I'm currently trying to sell off what's left of the SDS stock, and to wash my hands of the entire thing. Not because of TheAngelforge, of course, but because of the earlier history. The fact that people think that I, for some reason, should be held responsible for the actions of someone else that did some things that didn't sit well with the community simply based on the fact that I have some molds is ludicrous and makes me want to get rid of these parts all the faster.


Mar 14, 2011
Ah, the dirty underground secret world of Casters in the Joe Community. Somebody should turn this shit into a novel or something :D


I am what I am
Apr 19, 2011
York, Pa
I do remember SWG saying he would send parts out to people who took losses if he had them. I dont think anyone who got molds should be held responsible to owe previous parts. As far as i knew, all the molds others got were the extras Dave had.

I look at it this way. If I owe a guy we will call Oscar $10 for a toy he sold me and gave me, but I decide to give $10 and said toy to dilbert instead of paying Oscar or returnig toy, Dilbert doesnt owe Oscar the $10 and/or the toy, it is still my debt, not Dilberts.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Hell, I'm dumb enough to even REbuy the few parts I ordered from my last "still outstanding" SDS order. I realize that dealing with any caster up front is a risk, but the risk is usually more beneficial to my customizing or collection than it is a drawback as it generally pans out. I just want to track down the few "still haven't reappeared yet" molds that I haven't seen pop up in anyone's store in the last year such as Recoil, RnR v2, and a few others.
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Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Alright, bitches! Bitch away in this thread about any casters besides Jesse. Tofujesse's thread should be kept for Jesse only.

Yes, I realize this is probably a dumb idea but it at least saves Jesse from hearing about Slayer Dave's crap or AngelForge getting confused with Jesse or SDS, and StarWarsGeek from being assaulted with PMs about stuff that another caster shorted someone on, or NSA accused of not giving away free things. ;)


Mostly Ignored
Officer Club
May 13, 2011
Has anyone heard from tofujesse?

I posted this over on HISSTANK a couple days ago...

I spoke with him on the phone late last week...he had plans to have help over all this week to help him catch up on old orders...he is still being treated for his illness and has not had the strength to work a full day yet. He was aware of all the bits he has from others to make casts and get the originals back out and is still behind on his old orders. He is creating a new website that actually tracks inventory so one will be only able to order what he has in stock...the old website did not so when he added something in the morning...he may have had a dozen ready to sell, but then throughout the day he sold 30 and instantly behind. So that problem should go away for him (and us). I assure you he is working as hard has he physically can to get caught up...

I have an old order oe 2 I am waiting on and sent him loads of stuff to cast to broaden his items I am waiting too...I will keep you all updated as I hear more. :D

Don't worry...I am confident everyone's order will be fulfilled and you all will want to order again and again. :D


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Alright, bitches! Bitch away in this thread about any casters besides Jesse. Tofujesse's thread should be kept for Jesse only.

Yes, I realize this is probably a dumb idea but it at least saves Jesse from hearing about Slayer Dave's crap or AngelForge getting confused with Jesse or SDS, and StarWarsGeek from being assaulted with PMs about stuff that another caster shorted someone on, or NSA accused of not giving away free things. ;)

The problem was we just get derailed thru natural train of thoughts/posts...we have a real "problem" with that here

Has anyone heard from tofujesse?

I at least saw what you did there :D