Customizers: Brag/Nag/Lag Thread


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
I hated those dam LD classes I had to go to, completely worthless. The only good it did was allow me to take math tests in the LD class in which I was allowed to use calculators. I don't know, maybe there wasn't really any way to help me other than that.

What really cheesed me off was one day my "teacher" was trying to help me on some math and she said, I shit you not, "come on, you know this!"

Uhh, bitch, if I knew this stuff, I wouldn't be in your dam class. And I hate the acronym "LD", that alone dredges up such bad memories. I had a problem with math, I wasn't retarded!

That's all I'll say, I feel like a single handedly derailed this whole thread.


Mar 14, 2011
I have been hearing about a device that sends directed EM fields to the brain, that can alter human neurology. I hear that the inventor has a rare form of Asperger's Syndrome that makes him a naturally talented electrical engineer, but leaves him without social skills. This has complicated his career and personal life for much of his life. He took it upon himself to find the a treatment, and was pivotal in working out working out the human brain, which he treats it like a highly complex computer network. Ultimately, he used himself as a guinea pig, and treated his disorder, without destroying his talent, but like a blind man learning to see, he had to go through therapy to adjust to his new emotions (at middle-age no less).

I also hear that it can temporary induce a mild form of Savants Syndrome, which means then it can boost to your memory, perception, and ether artistic or mathematical ability for a short time, but without retarding your social skills. Beyond its application as a treatment for neurological disorders, the whole thing sounds like a neat mind-manipulating tool that is straight out of a William Gibson cyberpunk novel!

Cloud Strife

Mako Infused SOLDIER
Apr 16, 2011
My Brag:
Not sure what my greatest strength is, as I definitely have room for improvement in every area. Perhaps my paint apps... Minus red. I hate painting red.

My Nag:
Sometimes I lack patience, which is necessary to make a quality custom figure. I've had to throw parts in the good 'ole Super Clean and start fresh b/c I didn't wait for the paint to dry before applying another coat. Having a blow dryer at my side is an integral part of the customizing process for me. :D

My Lag:
Sculpting. I was intimidated by sculpting for the longest time, but finally decided to bite the bullet one day. Started out with green stuff and now use Apoxie Fix-It Sculpt. I'm not the greatest at it, but it's not impossible like I thought it would be. Requires a lot of patience. At least, in the beginning.

Cloud Strife

Mako Infused SOLDIER
Apr 16, 2011
red, white and yellow...they suuuuuuuuck to what, 50 coats to get good coverage? lol

I haven't painted much yellow yet, but the red on my Lifeline custom sucked balls. It took me over a week to get that frickin' figure painted. I had to strip the paint off of a couple of pieces b/c it had small clumps in it where I was impatient and would add another coat before the previous one was dried.

I know it wasn't fun painting all the white on Frostbite either, but wasn't nearly as bad an experience as Lifeline was. (shudders)


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
i tried like heck to make LL as paintless as possible...even to the point were he wasnt as accurate as i'd like build wise...i'm so geeked for Hasbros cause i'm still unhappy with mine...

Cloud Strife

Mako Infused SOLDIER
Apr 16, 2011
i tried like heck to make LL as paintless as possible...even to the point were he wasnt as accurate as i'd like build wise...i'm so geeked for Hasbros cause i'm still unhappy with mine...

Dude, I had a nerdgasm when I saw Lifeline (and Sci-Fi, Airtight, Techno-Viper, etc...). I'm definitely getting a couple of them. I'll be modding one to have the classic backpack and straps instead of the webgear they're releasing him with.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Yeah, I avoid painting anything red, yellow, or white if I can. The few attempts I've made turned out awful, and my painting skills are pretty good. OD green, black and browns go on in one or two coats, but damn if r/y/w aren't impossible to get good coverage.

I can do only small areas, like a head, or lower arms, or lower legs, but even that tries my patience. My Airtight had zero yellow, and my Iceberg/Frostbite had as little white paint as I could manage with existing parts. With my LL, I painted the lower arms only—red on top of burgundy, so it was a cheat kinda, but even that was a pain.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
You guys should try painting on a coat of grey before those colors with bad coverage, it helps.