G.I. Joe Classified Series (1:12)


"Big Guns"
Sure, Breaker should have them, but as usual, Duke gets inserted into w1 with 3/4 sleeves and then he's reused to death, correct or not. I have a TF Recondo on order purely b/c I want to steal the short black sleeves for Flint.

I'm with you on the Viper 3-pack. I have five of the CI vipers, and I don't need any more, especially the grey/gold guy that fits with nothing. It would have to go on mega-clearance for me to even think about it.

I've actually taken a flamethrower to a ton of preorders in recent weeks, as I find a great many things simply don't offer the value they're asking for Joe, ML, and SWB. It feels like Hasbro really wants a 6" figure to have a $30 base price, and I'm not onboard. Sure, I'd pay that for a select few of them, but it's like they want habitual buyers like me to start doing heavy scrutiny on every purchase... and I'm certain that won't net them more of my dollars.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Totally with you on the pricing. I am already past my limit on anything I’m not at least significantly enthusiastic about, unless it’s on sale. At up to $25, I’ll pick up most figs that I have any interest in, but have passed on everything I’m not crazy about. I have bought zero “deluxe” figures and zero fig with little vehicle sets.

I’ve also decided to pass on the HISS unless they decide to add more (towed) value. As cool as it is, all the “upgrades“ besides the figs and classic parts add nothing for me.


"Big Guns"
I'm still backing the haslab, but I canceled all my POs for the o-ring stuff, as the trooper/officer 2-pack is a real dud. They completely flubbed the paint apps (the flesh from the paint goes onto the edges of the helmets, making them look like they have gills on the side of their heads), and they put them in the packaging with arms semi-posed, such that the bubble is extra huge... really destroying the nostalgia factor for me. I got my mega shipment of repro cards and bubbles from BeggarsCanyon, so that will be more than sufficient to feed that particular nostalgia beast. I am mostly happy to cancel the two o-ring/TF crossover products, as I only wanted the carded figure, with zero interest in the transformers that had no place in my collection.

But I canceled a lot of other stuff too. Black Series figures that I was getting basically out of habit, Marvel Legends that have long since lost their appeal in the months since their announcement, and even a bunch of 3P TF stuff. I'd rather buy more custom fodder and dio pieces than acquire more figures that will more than likely end up in a tub in storage.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Yeah, you gotta wonder if H'bro missed their window of opportunity. With all this Bide-flation happening now, I'd imagine most people have a lot less cash left over to use for nostalgic impulse items than they did say two years ago. I'd imagine a lot of that cash is now going to paying double to fill up their gas tanks. That probably translates to fewer pre-orders and purchases, especially with so many options out there.

As for remaking O-ring stuff now, I'm a little baffled by it, particularly the timing. Is it a response to the ReAnimation stuff? Is that even the same kind of nostalgia? Seems like RA stuff is pure cartoon aesthetics (with near zero articulation). O-rings aren't quite that - not cartoon specific, not nearly as flashy, just a near straight copy of the original figs with their limited articulation, but at today's modern inflated prices. Why and why now? Are they just late? Did they miss the Trump prosperity impulse window because of the development time and covid lag?

I've never seen the appeal of buying new versions of the old O-ring figures anyway, even when recent times were good. To me, O-ring is its own thing, from that time, like collecting rare artifacts or something like that. The appeal is the fact that there aren't that many left around. Piecing together those rare parts to make a complete version of what we had as kids, then touching it up to near perfection before displaying them in all their 1980's glory, is part of the experience, right? Manufacturing new versions of inferior (by today's manufacturing standards) copied products just waters down the originals IMO. Plus, these kind of offerings never seem to have the longevity to make enough product for a significant collection, i.e. the retro lines' limited releases.

On the other hand, the 25th and follow on lines made sense to me. They took the source material and made modern (improved) versions of them - retro or modernized - and made lots of them. The figures had more detail and articulation, were more durable and often had more accessories, while keeping true, most of the time, to the original style, art and themes. And I bought the crap out of those.

I feel like JoeClass is doing similarly, sans the classic style artwork, at the larger, more detailable scale. That I get, and am on board with, so long as they don't roll the losses I expect they'll see on the other lines into the cost of the Classified figs. The delays and regular inflation are bad enough, yet I keep buying, for now.


"Big Guns"
I still have no shortage of stuff on PO, but I'm actively breaking the "habitual buying" status quo, mostly because the value-proposition they're offering just isn't there. I'm no longer auto-ordering most things just because. I can still afford all the toys, but at some point, I feel more like hasbro's ATM than a valued customer. And as such, I feel like the power dynamic needs to shift back towards the consumer. Thus I'm just being much more particular about what I'm getting, and they need to bring their A-game to get my dollars. I'd rather support Vala or other startups trying to give us something besides Duke/SE/CC repaints ad nauseam.

I canceled enough stuff that I'm sure BBTS and Pulse both think I lost my jorb. :ROFLMAO:


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Lol, well at least you should have plenty of storage space the stuff you are still getting! I've always been pretty particular about my toy buying, often not as much by choice. I think that comes from growing up relatively poor and then being the single income for a 6 person family. I certainly stretched that a little during the nostalgia high of the 25th series as well as with some of the 1:18 BBI offerings around that time, having most of my stuff sent to my office to reduce the questionable glances I would certainly gotten had all those showed up regularly at my doorstep.

I suppose though that the delays in the JoeClass figs have caused me to actually buy a few more of the less awesome ones that maybe I would have passed on, had they come more along quickly and regularly. But I've kept it at just those (and not even the more pricey stuff) with only a random ML or SWB figure tossed in from time to time. All my current POs are for figures that I would be getting anyway, and they aren't due to arrive before next Spring and Summer (except for the Target ones, which should arrive ???), so unless H'bro comes through on the HISS Tank, my toy spending (actual plastic toys, not real life blasters) should be down as well, at least for the near term.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Funny that I just mentioned it, I got a notification overnight that Outback should be dropping in October (if it sticks).


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Lol, wouldn't be surprised. As long as it's been, I was hoping maybe the Recondo and Bazooka would end up dropping at the same time as Outback. I suppose the PP Viper and BAT might be (didn't PO them).


"Big Guns"
Yeah, I didn't PO them either, no idea when they're supposed to come out. I hope some of the normal versions drop first... might convince me to skip the TF versions.

Mindbender is supposed to have limited availability at noon EDT for the next four days (duration of SDCC), and then a final round presumably after the con. I wouldn't want you to miss out on your fav ;)


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Weird that those are listed as arriving in August while the first wave is listed for September. Seems like the shipping issues really jacked things up for this line. Or maybe it's just WM.com being its usual wonky self. You'd think a corporate giant like WM would be able to have a reasonably good, accurate, searchable online presence, but nah, ain't no time for dat.

So I went ahead and ordered the retro style Lady Jaye and Baroness. I'm planning to use the best parts of both to improve the versions I have. I'll give my daughter the other versions. She seemed excited about that, so it's worth it. I don't have any reason to buy any of the other retros unless they go way into clearance. Knowing there are only going to be the ones we've seen makes it even less appealing as a MOC set.


"Big Guns"
Yeah, their dates are all over the place. They'll get here when they do, as WM has never pulled the rug out from under me before, unlike most others.

I missed out on Mindbender. I checked at noon, and nothing. Refreshed for 10 minutes, gave up and went to lunch. He went up about 12:25 and lasted five minutes. Maybe tomorrow...


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Looks like the Sgt. Slaughter pre-order has arrived:

Appears to be exclusive to some of the online only retailers? Not sure if I'm up for the $40 price tag w/ shipping...


"Big Guns"
Yeah, it's a "fan channel" exclusive... i.e. select online e-tailers (pulse, BBTS, EE, Dorkside... sometimes amazon). I PO'd one, but $37 (because I'm a *premium member*, Ooo la la) seems awfully steep. But I have a lot of time between now and the end of the year to talk myself into canceling it...


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Yeah, I remember you are not a Slaughter fan so I'm a little surprised you PO'ed it at all. I really wasn't expecting it so soon, nor the exclusivity nor the price. My enthusiasm for it has definitely waned with all of that, not that I really loved him back in the day, but I had him in my collection, twice, or was it all three times (mail order, TTT and Warthog) via trades? I respect him as an icon of the franchise though, so we'll see. This will be a real study into whether I can talk myself into it or not by January or thereafter...

I wish he came with something extra for the price though, like maybe some kind of rack of rifles or something to add value. I don't think the foot locker (unless it was full of weapons) is quite gonna do it. Despite his use in the show and movie, this version does not look ready to lead a combat team into battle, so I'd probably have to display him separately from the others, which doesn't help his case. Hmmm...


"Big Guns"
Yeah, I remember you are not a Slaughter fan so I'm a little surprised you PO'ed it at all. I really wasn't expecting it so soon, nor the exclusivity nor the price. My enthusiasm for it has definitely waned with all of that, not that I really loved him back in the day, but I had him in my collection, twice, or was it all three times (mail order, TTT and Warthog) via trades? I respect him as an icon of the franchise though, so we'll see. This will be a real study into whether I can talk myself into it or not by January or thereafter...

I wish he came with something extra for the price though, like maybe some kind of rack of rifles or something to add value. I don't think the foot locker (unless it was full of weapons) is quite gonna do it. Despite his use in the show and movie, this version does not look ready to lead a combat team into battle, so I'd probably have to display him separately from the others, which doesn't help his case. Hmmm...
You remember correctly... I don't really like him. But like you say, he's iconic, and just like BBQ, I need a few bullet sponges to show the other Joe's that this time, it's for real, cobra's not messing around!

I still think Gunny would make Slaughter cry home to his momma.
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"Big Guns"
He actually is a good character once you remove Serpentor out of the mix.
looks at Marvel run.
Yeah, he (actually his clone) eventually becomes more of a Dr Venom 2.0-type, focusing more on mind control and various iterations of the brainwave scanner. I still don't like him as much as Destro in the role of CC's #2, but he's more of a mad scientist than hardware-supplier. My cobra universe has room for all kinds of crazy shenanigans, so Mindbender is a welcome addition. I really hope we get a classified Dr Venom as well.
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"Big Guns"
Via SDCC panel:

-final WM retro figures: SE (commando) & Crimson Guard
-deluxe Serpentor w/ Air Chariot
-deluxe Televiper with Flight Pod

sneak peeks:
Rock 'n Roll will be the '82 version with a few modern tweaks
Torpedo will be the '83 version with removable breather
Shipwreck will be a pretty faithful '85 version with swappable hair (hat and no-hat, like Lady Jaye)
Copperhead... looks v1-ish but kinda weird. I dunno.

SDCC 2022 Hasbro G.I. Joe Classified Panel Coverage


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Serpy looks meh. I hope the CG has a more classic looking rifle (too bad the pics of the projection are so poor). If so, I’m in. Looking forward to when they become available for PO. RnR looks promising, as does Torpedo. Shippy and Copperhead will depend on the final version. Same with the TV and flight pod. Looking forward to seeing renders of LL.

Edit: From another pic I found, it looks like the CG rifle is the same as the JoeClass. Only obvious difference is a silver mask.


"Big Guns"
I can see myself using the silver-masked retro CG as an officer or special assistant to CC. While I wish the rifle was more retro than just an M-4 with a bayonet, it doesn't bother me that much. It looks correct enough from a galloping horse, and if it really bothers me, I have no doubt GridIron, Mark2Design, or Nonnef will print some super-accurate version.

I'm excited about the retro SE, as he seems to use the Stalker buck rather than either of the two previous SE figures. New head sculpt too. Most importantly, no shin guards... b/c SE isn't some euro-trash futbol wank.

I like the Serpentor reveal. It's a solid figure, looks about as good as I could expect a 6" version to look, very detailed, very classic. He's not my favorite in the mythology, as I found him to be an insufferably obnoxious one-note character in the toon, but he was a badass in the comic, and he'll be absolutely pivotal in the coming cobra civil war...

I look forward to recreating THIS in 1:12 scale. I definitely need to make time to reread the first half of the original marvel run again.



Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I've seen a few more pics of the CGs from the Retro collection and they look pretty cool with the card art accurate silver mask! I'll definitely pick one up when they drop.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
So, shockingly, Walmart got my retro Lady Jaye in stock and sent to me early. Got it today. I will say, not particularly impressive. The original JoeClass version is a better figure with better accessories for sure. The retro packaging is as absolutely paper thin as possible and screams knock off. If it didn't know this was an "exclusive" from H'bro, I'd swear it was a cheap Chinese copy of something better (the Class fig), meant to sell at Dollar General for maybe $15, or in a department store outside the US, not for $25 at WM here at home.

All that said, retro LJ definitely captures the true retro look of the original LJ action figure. Now, if you want the cartoon look, you better have both figures, as the retro does not come with the non-hat hair. It also slims down the backpack, reduces the spears to one (with an extra spearhead?) and reduces the paint apps to minimum. As for the headsculpt, it's not different. The difference is that they did add a little more "make up" (blush and lipstick) so it looks a little different, but the shape is identical as far as I can tell. The head is a slight improvement, so there's that.

So, what I did was to put the retro head (with the black hat w/ air assault pin - also better than the blue one) on the regular JoeClass LJ fig, kept her gear and called it a day. Retro LJ kept all her gear as well, including the silver spear/launcher, green film camera and streamlined backpack goes with the retro body w/ JoeClass head to my daughter, who will be happy to receive her. Oh, and I used her stand (something the Class figs should all have come with) for Gung Ho, who keeps leaning on my LJ w/o a proper fitting stand.

If I had it to do over would I buy her again? Probably not. Definitely not worth the price. But at least my daughter will enjoy her, and I get the "best possible" version of LJ for my display. I'm expecting something similar from the Baroness when she arrives - now updated to arrive tomorrow apparently. That means I won't be in the office to receive it until Monday, unless I swing by on Saturday if I'm in the area. Here's hoping she doesn't arrive with Jay Leno's chin like apparently the JoeClass ones sometimes did.

I'll have make the call about which one I keep and which goes to my daughter, and/or which parts get changed out to make the best combined version (glasses, holsters, weapons, etc.). I'll chime in then with the outcome of that.


"Big Guns"
I ordered two, one to open, one to keep, and they arrived this morning. One arrived in a box with lots of air-packs, the other in what amounts to nothing more than a thick trash bag. Yet both cards were completely annihilated, as if they were pre-mangled. Can't blame the USPS. WTF Mattel.

Yeah, I thought the added "make-up" to her face would enhance the sculpt, and I guess it does, but it also seems like too much, making her look kinda like an undercover hooker. But I will admit that she looks less like Chris Kattan. I'll probably pick the best head and swap it onto my hatless custom sunbow deco version, see how it looks.

Baroness, Destro, and Gung-Ho are all inbound tomorrow, so hopefully they survive the trip better, but I have zero hope that they're packaged together or with any modicum of care. But I also have those three on order with pulse, so maybe Pulse will care more about the cards. At the very least, they always ship in a properly-sized box. And if those cards are all shit too, then I'll just open one set, forget about keeping "MOC" versions, and return the others back to WM. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Yeah, mine was shipped in a bag as well, so the card was pretty jacked. The plastic held up surprisingly well, likely due to the insert - the one improvement over the original ’80’s packaging. Agreed on the makeup. It’s an improvement on the look (less Kattan), but is actually less battlefield ready.

You could always scout for better conditioned cards on the pegs when you go to make your returns. I get the impression there may be a lot of these to be had, either now or later, so you might be in luck for some MOC. I’m hoping for some clearance down the road, in case I really get nostalgic for OG SE, and maybe even a bonus SS.


"Big Guns"
Gung-Ho in the classic deco will be the hands-down fav of the first four, while SS and SE will be the hot ticket of the later waves.

The CG will sell ok, but if he comes after the main release, I can't see him being overly popular, maybe one for an officer type, but is anyone going to army-build that variant? Sure some interwebs oddballs will buy 14, but average collectors won't.

And Zartan will warm like LJ just because we all have mutable zartans already and he doesn't really bring much new or compelling. But SE on the Stalker body with a new head and no shin guards... be still my beating heart. And gotta assume gloveless SS will be popular too.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I got to open and set up the Baroness figure this evening. She's definitely not as "pretty" as the movie version, but the chin is not too Herman Munster either, so that's a plus. She looks like the version from the cartoon for the most part, thankfully no longer sporting the gold rims on her glasses. I don't know if fully round glasses would be an improvement or not (nacho, got a pic?).

I'm not crazy about the super high turtle neck (I know that was to originally complete the look of the original biker helmet version). Too bad they didn't alter the paint on this one to give her her more traditional collar. I gave her SE movie Baroness' MP5, as I've seen some pretty good Baroness artwork/statues with that as her weapon. I was originally going to try to give her the twin knives/sheaths from the SE version, but decided that the pistols were a little more in tune with classic Baroness than the knives. My daughter will get the recycled CI Trooper "sniper" rifle as SE Baroness' main weapon (as it's pretty much useless to me for anything else right now), but I see the knives getting more play time.

It did notice when I was opening the package that the plastic they used for this figure doesn't feel as rubbery as most of the others. Not sure if it is intentional, or just a byproduct of sitting in a hot shipping container on a boat off the coast of CA for a few extra months, but if feels more dry and brittle. Not a big deal, just an observation I made. The card came in a bag again and was a little bent, but not quite as mangled as LJ's.

Overall, I'm glad I got her, since she fits in better with the other more traditional looking figures. As good as the other one looks, she definitely stood out as the least like the original version. While I don't need a retro carbon copy, my figs need to at least have a reasonable resemblance to the originals. At this point the only figure I have that wouldn't be easily recognizable as their original would be CI Roadblock, who is no doubt Heavy Duty in reality anyway.

Next should be Outback, due in early October, assuming nothing else shows up ahead of schedule. Supposedly the the retro CGs should go up for pre-order not long after that. No way to know if they'll come as quickly following the pre-order as LJ and Baroness did though. I'll be getting at least one of those if I don't somehow miss the PO before they inevitably sell out.


"Big Guns"
Retro SS and Zartan are due to ship at the end of this month, and Stalker Tomax/Xamot are hitting asia and reviewers, so realistically I expect them in Q3.

I haven't opened any of my retro figures yet, as I have several coming from Pulse, and I want to see if they survive transport better than the ones shipped by MW.

Believe it or not, I have yet to replace Baroness's glasses with rounder ones. I still plan to, and I have several options I've accumulated, but I don't have the perfect ones so far.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Considering that I wouldn‘t recognize them from Corps figs, I have zero interest in either of those. :wtf:


"Big Guns"
Yeah, unless they look spectacular, I'm likely going to pass. Maybe a single range viper for the one named RV... whose name I can't recall right now...

Big Ben in that huge hat always looked like he should have been in the Okt Guard, and he was well past my time in Joe. So unless I find a good custom to make from him, I have no need. But then again, with just a little paint and a head swap, he'd make a solid arctic SE from issue #2... :unsure:
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I wish they would have come through with a towed weapon instead of the Cobra bat signal, bolt-ons and a couple repaints. I think they could have gotten it over 25k had they done it that way. But 19k is still nothing to scoff at. SW wasn't able to get near that with some of their offerings.


Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
As much as we all wanted a tow vehicle… hell it’s not my scale and I was tempted

I don’t think anyone at Hasbro expected to get to that point & it would probably be cost prohibitive to include one in this campaign. But definitely a good candidate for the next one.

Hell they could do a vamp next & add joe & Cobra tow vehicle add ons.
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