G.I. Joe Classified Series (1:12)


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
So I found myself in an Ollie’s in Toledo, OH this morning and came across a case and a half of Sgt. Slaughters. I picked one up for $13 - 15%. They also had quite a few movie figs plus most of a case of LJs mistakenly marked at $13. No wonder they have stuck around. I’ll likely hit a couple more stores on my long journey home tomorrow to see what else might be out there.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
No joy at two more Ollies’ in southern OH on my way home today. No more Sarges and no FN SEs. Both had plenty of movie figs and LJs and one had a few Zaranas as well, but neither had any other standard figs

Apparently Hasbro in all their wisdom has produced full cases of just LJ (in addition to an almost identical retro version, also in great numbers). I saw the boxes and couldn’t believe it. Of all the figs to mass produce 🙄. Seems like the same person is making JoeCS decisions lately as does Marvel Legends (millions of Eternals, Wakanda and obscure comic characters) and SW (lots of sequel trilogy and other unpopular characters). All the Ollie’s’ I’ve been to are infested with those.

I also saw the LJs marked at $13 again like Sarge, not the $5 all the others had, so it seems they are trying to make her a peg warmer at Ollie’s too now. I’ll keep checking mine weekly or so, but will be a lot less enthusiastic for $13 Joes than $5 ones, even if they do finally start getting more waves.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
So it seems the VAMP dropped for pre-order while I was away this weekend (naturally). I thought I would be more excited for it than I am. It looks pretty good and Clutch looks great, but I think the fact that it's $100 and Pulse exclusive is dampening my interest. That means pretty much no deals to be had - unless they are running a promotion, which I believe happens occasionally, but I'm not over there enough to keep track. Plus it will likely not be included in any discounts for a while since it's the new hotness. But I'll try to keep my eyes open and revisit it if the opportunity arises. I did suck it up and get Snow Job from there.

Toynewsi also had pics of the finished packaged Mutt and Junkyard. They are a definite yes for me! I think the only real flaw I see with that one is the inclusion of an M-16 instead of a smaller submachinegun, which I can remedy easily enough. Metal Head is a hard pass for me. Zero nostalgia and not nearly enough coolness factor to get me interested.

And I guess they name dropped Iron Grenadier and Raptor (because everybody is clamoring for that guy :wtf:). I don't see bothering with either of them. IG is pretty much only useful with a proper IG Destro. I may revisit him if we get that. As for Raptor, not for $5 at Ollie's. Not even if they paid me $5 to take him. I really question the intelligence of the brand reps for JoeCS when he and Big Boa are getting made before at least a half dozen major characters. Who's next, Crystal Ball?


"Big Guns"
Clutch with VAMP was my first Joe, and sub-$100, it's an insta-buy. I actually ordered two. No chance I'm passing that up. I did the math, and if you agree the thing is 50% larger than the 25th version in three dimensions and that inflation has doubled the price of toys in 15 years, $100 is the exact price it should be given that the 25th was $15. Yes, the math works out, it's not a gouge.

Mutt and Junk look good... I'll get one. Never my favorite old school Joe, mostly just guarded the base. I always found the figure's mustache and snarl to be off-putting, even if it was fitting for the character. But I can't pass up anything from the peak era.

Metalhead... definitely no attachment to the original, but I'll get one just because they did announce IGs. MH is one of Destro's guys, and if they're making him and IGs (also automatic), gold Destro can't be far behind. That's practically a guarantee in my mind, 100%. I can't pass up an opportunity to bolster the ranks of the third leg of the upcoming Cobra Civil War.

Raptor... he's stupid, and I hate him for what a colossal peg warmer he was back in the day (just like Crystal Ball and Sneek Peek), but he's also crucial in that he assassinates original CoCo in the Marvel run so that Fred VII can wear the battle armor (which is also rumored... and I have the parts for a great custom if he doesn't appear). So I'd be tempted to get one, not for the crazy-lame bird outfit gimmick, but for the killer underneath.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I totally get the nostalgia buy of Clutch/VAMP. I never had the original and do remember playing with the Mark II, but don't believe I ever owned one (or if I did, it was for a short time - I did a fair amount of trading). I did have the Stinger and liked it pretty well, but it wasn't one of the "must use" vehicles in the collection.

I actually liked the Mark II more, and would have been a lot more likely to give in on that one or one capable of being fitted out in both versions (color notwithstanding). I kind of had my hopes up for a convertible version before the renders dropped, especially seeing all the "bolt on" kit-work on the HISS.

I haven't taken the bait on any of the vehicles so far, so I doubt I'll make that leap, even with the iconic VAMP, barring some kind of deal I can't pass up. I literally don't have the space for it where all my Joes are displayed now, so, to cross the vehicle threshold, I would have to relocate many or all to my home office and redo a fair amount of that to make space there.

That would require planning for when nobody is at home or at the office and what fun is that? Actually, it would be plenty of fun, but quite planning intensive. I don't need anybody watching me "play with my toys." :LOL:


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Sarge has made it into the display. It wouldn't be right to burden him with no stinkin' commie AK (C'mon Hasbro, duh...), but the cartoon laser rifle suits him, since... well... he basically is a cartoon...


"Big Guns"
I totally get the nostalgia buy of Clutch/VAMP. I never had the original and do remember playing with the Mark II, but don't believe I ever owned one (or if I did, it was for a short time - I did a fair amount of trading). I did have the Stinger and liked it pretty well, but it wasn't one of the "must use" vehicles in the collection.

I actually liked the Mark II more, and would have been a lot more likely to give in on that one or one capable of being fitted out in both versions (color notwithstanding). I kind of had my hopes up for a convertible version before the renders dropped, especially seeing all the "bolt on" kit-work on the HISS.

I haven't taken the bait on any of the vehicles so far, so I doubt I'll make that leap, even with the iconic VAMP, barring some kind of deal I can't pass up. I literally don't have the space for it where all my Joes are displayed now, so, to cross the vehicle threshold, I would have to relocate many or all to my home office and redo a fair amount of that to make space there.

That would require planning for when nobody is at home or at the office and what fun is that? Actually, it would be plenty of fun, but quite planning intensive. I don't need anybody watching me "play with my toys." :LOL:
Yeah, I never warmed to the MkII... it irked me that it only had the four missiles. The green vamp had what I thought was a laser cannon, which you could rationalize to have, in theory, nearly infinite ammo. The four missiles on the MkII, once you shot those, you were a sitting duck. On this Classified version, it's clearly shooting bullets and not lasers, but even so, that feels more versatile than four lousy little rockets that would melt your face when fired.

I didn't mind the limited ammo on the Stinger because it was cobra... of course they would have the inferior design (I mean, their jeep has people standing directly behind the butt of the missiles), but not Joe.

There is talk of mutible repaints on the vamp, so I assume we'll get a stinger and a MKII and a con exclusive dreadnok version and a crimson version and a python patrol version and a black ninja version... there will be no end to the reuse on that mold, fear not.

And there is even talk of stripped down HISS repaints/reissues just without the electronics, extra figures, and extra loadouts. I'm ok with that, as I think it would be a waste for the tooling to just get used once. Space be damned, I'd probably buy one or two more in black or blue, and I'd think long and hard about an Arctic HISS. That thing looks good in white for some reason.

I'm for any and all "small" vehicles - if I run out of room, I'll get a storage unit! ;) . I need a polar battle bear, an AWE Striker, a Moccasin... and save the big stuff for special projects. I expect the next haslab to be a WHALE (no knowledge, just a wild guess), but I'd take a MOBAT or Mauler. MOBAT is more iconic, but it's also REALLY dated looking. I think they'd have to modernize the shit out of it without alienating the purists, a tough line to walk.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Lol, if I had your collection(s) and access to a virgin storage unit, I'd be really tempted to go full GI Joe room - Joe CS on the end, 25th on one side and vintage on the other. I'd be spending a lot of time at "work" putting it all together and just manning a hands free cell phone to make and take calls :LOL:.

It may be something I do in retirement, kind of like the old guys with their model train rooms, but a lot more scaled down having sold off most of my 4" and 12" stuff previously. I may just finish out my home office into the playroom that it is only partially now.

I saw the PO drop for Mutt. As one of my original favorites and a pretty decent fig, he's an absolute yes for me, but I'm not super stoked to add more to my PO list just yet. I'll probably gift him to myself for Christmas with the arrival coming not too long after that. Here's hoping I score a couple AMZ gift cards before those POs start to ship!

I have some gear supposedly out for delivery today for Firefly, so I am looking forward to upgrading mine to an "ultimate" version very soon. Crimson AV should arrive next week and then the next batches over the next couple months, so the cadence is pretty solid going forward. And with all the excitement of the hunt at Ollies' stores, it feels a lot like the peak of the 25th days right now. I like it! :thumbsup:


"Big Guns"
Sadly, my storage unit is about full... need to have another purge, but it'll probably wait until the kids are off to college. I'll wait for the tax rules to relax a bit too, as I'm not playing the $600 game.

BUT, I have my new studio to set up in the upstairs of the office, and that'll act as a storage annex as well, especially for the bulky set pieces, dio props, backgrounds, Extreme Sets, etc.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Got my notice that Walmart has shipped my Crimson AV. Supposed to arrive tomorrow, so that should be fun. I'm planning stop by Ollie's and my local WM today to see what's new. Most likely nothing, but I still enjoy the hunt.

You'd think the exclusive zombie themed wave should be dropping soon (missed Halloween by that much...), if they can get all those Shipwrecks and RnRs out of the way. Although I have yet to see a single Big Ben or Range Viper on a shelf, so yeah...

Heck, I can't even get RV, Shooter, Mole Rat or CAV to show up on their website, so what am I thinking? I suppose maybe they just do small enough runs of those that they sell out from just the online orders. 🤷‍♂️ Walmart is so weird with exclusive Joe CS stuff.


"Big Guns"
I had to cancel my Shooter/Molerat order because they wouldn't change the shipping address when my office moved. So I canceled and reordered, putting myself at the back of the line. Shooter has shipped but no MR. I don't really care about Shooter as a character and only bought her because I wanted a base for a NF Lady Jaye... but knowing my luck they'll have changed the head/neck ball to make two figures on the same mold incompatible.

I skipped the Crimson AV just because I'm not interested in a secondary crimson army. I'd rather just have more of the normal colored troops in that case. But I'm happy with just three OG orange/blue AVs, as I was never as big a fan of that character as many. It seems like a very limited role that could easily be done by blueshirts with a little extra gear. The red/black deco probably makes more tactical sense than the orange/blue, but it doesn't hit any nostalgia buttons, so it was an easy pass.

Hit up WM this morning, and they were deep into the post-halloween, pre-christmas reset. No joes except Shippy and retro baroness, LJ, and GH. I don't think they'll ever carry the final four retros or any of the WM exclusives in the store. I desperately need 2-3 more retro SEs for the rest of my plague troopers. But knowing hasbro, another SE is almost certainly on the horizon for me to scavenge for parts. :)
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Unsurprisingly, nothing new at Ollie’s or Walmart. Same peg warmers as have been there for a few weeks now. The only surprise was happening across Ultimates SE and BAT in the little collectibles section at Walmart for the low low price of $55 each. Yeesh. Cool, but not $55 cool. Easy pass for me, particularly since I’m not a huge cartoon guy.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Noice! Ironic that you ended up with a Helix and I didn't! Buzzer looks legit! I'm not due to get him until January (though all the deliveries from AMZ have moved up to well ahead of their estimates lately). Chuckles looks Boogaloo ready! He was sporting that Hawaiian shirt before it was trendy!


"Big Guns"
I got Helix, but you'll notice she's not wearing her bizarro sword gauntlet things. In my world, she has no precog superpowers, just another capable field agent like scarlett or LJ. I couldn't pass up a good face sculpt like that though.

Chuckles is awesome. Nothing special or anything you wouldn't expect from the figure per se, but just exudes "Special Missions: Sierra Gordo" vibes.

Buzzer is taller than the "normal" joes, more like GH and Sarge, but he's noticably skinnier, almost reminds me of a lanky toybiz marvel legend figure. But the sculpt and deco are classic buzzer, so there isn't much to complain about. He's got buzzer-y weapons, but I think I'd have preferred his classic chainsaw gun to the mini-gatling chainsaw weapon we got.

My #1 nitpick is that his glasses are not affixed and don't stay on his face for shit. It's not like baroness where the hair holds them in place. There's going to be a lot of glasses-less Buzzers in the world the second a figure falls off the shelf or gets tossed in the bin. Glasses will be gone in a heartbeat. I put some adhesive putty behind the lenses immediately, or they'd already be lost. Not sure what the hell they were thinking, but some 3rd party guy is going to make a killing on replacements.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Yep, that's my version of Helix too. I just wasn't all that impressed with the final product over what was shown in the renders. If she makes it to discount, I'd pick her up, but the other four figs from that wave jumped ahead and I hit the psychological $100 barrier on the wave preorder. And those mantis blade thingies will go right into the fodder bag with the wolf crap from Snow Serpent if I do get her.

It's too bad they didn't do better with Buzzer's sunglasses. Sarge's fit really well, despite not having the hair to tuck into. Not sure what happened this time. I have a feeling Ripper might be the same way.

I'm running out of display space for my figures to be "in action," so I'm considering something like this to just stand them "at the ready":

I'm a little afraid the ones toward the rear may be too covered up by the front row(s) though, so I haven't committed as of yet.

I'll keep looking for taller alternatives if I can find one and maybe get them as a Christmas present to myself. I did that last year for my challenge coin collection, as I was running into the same kind of space issues and needed to find a way to display them more efficiently and prominently.

Sometimes being a compulsive collector with limited space can be so tedious sometimes! :LOL:
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"Big Guns"
I hear you. Display is going to force some hard choices, and I have a feeling some DC properties are going to get the short straw. I've already cut back on the TF and SWB display space. I'm planning to potentially move some stuff to my actual work office like S7 Ultimate Joes and maybe the legends TF collection. Who cares if it looks professional... nobody but family sees my office anyway!

Shooter and Mole Rats both appeared in separate deliveries this morning... Been a busy week! Although, I don't expect much for the rest of the year. Hawk, Ripper, and Shockwave... and maybe the HISS. And the cheap Steel Corps pack I'm still waiting on from Deep Discounts.

I'm assuming NF TR and Wolf Spider will wait until next year, per WM's release date even though a lot of people seem to be getting them early from various places.

But, there's always hope of some cheap fodder coming up in all the holiday sales. Pulse does some good sales but just depends on what figures they include. Amazon and WM are anyone's guess.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I found a closeout on a version of those mini-shelves for a little less than half the price so I jumped on it! I also did my Mutt preorder to get free shipping, so I'm all set on my favorites, at least until the Airborne and 60th POs drop. If somehow Pulse were to put the VAMP (very doubtful being the new hotness) and/or the Valkyries (maybe) on sale, I'd certainly consider those, but that's about it, save for a real surprise on the order of some more newer figs showing up a Ollie's. It would be case by case, but I'd be a lot more interested in some of the ones I don't have and possibly even adding a couple I do for those prices.

It'll be interesting to see what does get discounted near and then after the holidays, particularly with a likely very soft toy market this fall/winter thanks to lots of other expenses being high. As of now, I see zero movement at WM for Joe CS so wouldn't be at all surprised to see some stuff hitting clearance there and/or being shopped out to Ollie's and the like again in the Spring as well. I'd guess that Target and maybe even Amazon might be seeing similar softness for the 6" figs. A fair number of JoeCS figures (coincidentally a lot of the same ones that have shown up at Ollie's for $5) have already been discounted significantly at AMZ too.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I forgot to mention I ordered a better primary weapon for Shockwave. I ordered this pretty nicely detailed MP7: 1698958248446.png
I think I'll give Mutt one of his machine pistols since that is the closest thing we've gotten to Mutt's original MAC-10. I'll have to see if any of the suppressors we've gotten so far (I think Stalker's might) will fit on Mutt's to finish the re-creation.


"Big Guns"
I've got to have a MAC-10 from a marvel legends figure laying around... or maybe even a mezco punisher. GridIron and the like will probably put one out too for all the people who find that omission irritating.

I could see the Valks going on sale this holiday... but the VAMP doesn't even come out until June, so maybe black friday next year?


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
So I'm not actually looking for the MAC-10 for Mutt. While it was iconic back in the 80's, I was purposely searching out the MP7 for it's current/near future epicness for Shockwave. While his pistols are great fall backs, he needs a modern CQB primary that has the right mix of accuracy and (vest) penetration, with a little extra range if needed. I was actually really shocked that Gridiron didn't have one of those in their inventory when I looked.

From the first look, I knew I wanted one of Shockwave's MP9s as a great modern equivalent for Mutt's MAC. Shorter range and less accurate than the MP7 for sure, but easier to wield with one hand than the MP7 and way more practical than the scoped, full-length M-16. And Junkyard is Mutt's primary weapon anyway. If I get the spare suppressor to work, I'll have that modernized analog to Mutt's original MAC I'm trying to get, plus keep the noise pollution down for Junkyard.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Stopped by another Ollie’s in Williamsburg tonight and found the same result as the last couple with lots of movie figs for $5 and a couple cases of LJs for $13 each. So it seems the $13 price for those is not an error. Not sure why they want LJs shelf warming there too, but that’s what is happening thanks to the updated pricing. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I finally got a chance to open up and display my Crimson AV yesterday. He looks really cool, but came with a slightly bowed left leg. I've been pretty lucky on the quality control throughout, so I guess I was due for a less than perfect specimen.

I also got my shelves and assembled those last night as well. I just need to find a time when the office is vacant to redo my display with those. They look like they are going to work very well so I'm kind of psyched to get that done before my next travel and/or Thanksgiving break.


"Big Guns"
I know you're not tempted, but BBTS, Amazon, and a few other etailers are liquidating a bunch of S7 Ultimates, including Joe W1. You can get all four for $99 @ BBTS... which is an absolute steal over the $220 MSRP.

I got a couple more BATs for $22/ea and a Simpsons Moe for 50% off. While I'm all in on S7 Utimate Joes, I don't have any simpsons characters yet. But I got a Moe knowing that down the line, I won't be able to resist Mr Burns or Ralph Wiggam... so I might as well get a cheap Moe. I'm more interested in generic simpsons characters than episode specific decos. I have no need for Bartman, Space Homer, or robotic itchy/scratchy. Just base characters, mostly for comedic effect or background characters in photos.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
That's awesome! Don't get me wrong, I think the S7s are great, particularly when compared against their 4" Reaction offerings. I'm glad they are being made, and think $25/fig is a great price for all that cartoon goodness! There's just no way I could justify double that cost per fig vs. the normal $25 or less for the regular Joe CS figs, and no way I could justify doing both S7 and JCS.

It'll be awesome to see you setting up one of those iconic cartoon scenes with them someday!


"Big Guns"
Yeah, hopefully this winter I'll be able to do that. Still renovating my main office for another month or so, and after that I hope to start setting up the studio upstairs. I was just looking at all the Extreme Sets I've accumulated, not counting all the big dio pieces, and I won't even have room for all of them in the new space... but at least I'll have room for 6-8 to be set up semi-permanently, and I'll rotate the rest.

I'm starting to think I might even try some stop-motion, recreating certain scenes using the original audio. But that's a long way off... just something for the distant future.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
That would be epic! But I'm sure it would be a ton of time and work to put together.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011

Somehow this popped up in my feed. It's pretty well done for having limited resources. The vehicles are obviously the weakest part of it, but it definitely recaptures the spirit of the cartoon with pretty good use of Joe CS figures.


"Big Guns"
Ok, that was pretty fun. I can't imagine I could make anything better. Like you say, the vehicles are the weakest part, and I'm not sure I wouldn't use straight up cartoon footage for those, especially the establishing shots. Still it was fun.

Not sure if I'd write a new script of try to recreate scenes from a classic that everyone knows.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
That's a tough call. It would be pretty impressive to recreate something familiar, and might be a little easier the first time out. But that leaves less creative input, so yeah.

Weird that that just showed up in my youtube feed. Big brother is always reading(?) I suppose...
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"Big Guns"
So, I had a very busy weekend customizing and learned quite a bit. It'll be a few more weeks before I have anything good to show off, but maybe after the thanksgiving weekend.

My plan to make a NF Lady Jaye was a colossal bust. I got the head, neck, and arms swapped, only to learn that Shooter's calf swivel is in a completely different place than LJ's, making LJ's boots far too short. Thus LJ was going to be a disproportionate shrimp, and I wasn't leaving her with the weird sneakers. It made me mad, and I swapped all the parts back. I guess I'll just have a Shooter figure that will never leave my bins.

My initial focus was getting a grey buck ready for a Mainframe custom. Not my favorite Joe, but the Gridiron character loadout looked really good, so I ordered one. I learned that the Viper 3-pack officer torso is a grey Duke torso with a collar and pockets, and the grey isn't too far from the lower half of a PP BAT. Donate some boots from a spare Breaker, and you've got a solid Mainframe.

But my main focus was working on The Plague. I was kinda all over the place, spent half the weekend looking for stuff I already owned, like heads, webgear, weapons, etc. in the multitude of Joe, Valaverse, SW, and ML bins. I did a lot of disassembly/assembly, priming, painting, carving, sculpting. On the surface, most of the plague members seem very much the same with just different heads. Thus my use of a bunch of WM Retro SE figures. But on close inspection, they each have quite a few details that differentiate them from one another. Like the snow serpent... his webgear is nothing special, but it's full of weird throwing knives, and he has a bunch of extra hoses attached to him, supposedly some kind of contraption to keep him alive after nearly dying in battle. Thank goodness for cheap SWB figures, half of which come with some hoses attached to this or that.

Overall, I got eight of the 13 to the 80%+ done stage. My Munitia looks awesome, but she's not 100% faithful to the artwork... just not sure how much I care. Rivet counters might complain, but getting her exact is going to take a ton of work I don't know that I want to do.

I need more bodies too. I need three more retro SEs that I've ordered from a place I've never heard of... :unsure:, and I'm making two members on larger bucks, and I haven't quite decided what bodies to use. And there are a couple that I don't have suitable heads for. A couple of them I have to make custom weapons for them, etc. As with most projects, the final 20% will take the most amount of time.

But all that said, it was a lot of fun watching them slowly materialize, and I think I'll be thrilled when they're finished. Fingers crossed.


"Big Guns"
If you find a cheap Shipwreck during the holiday sales, might want to pick one up for yourself for two reasons.

1) everyone needs an extra shippy head for their non-sailor, tactical deco

2) I found a guy in australia who makes a vest/head/cap to make an LBC Cutter. The vest is more modern, like Cutter v2 and Topside, not the horrible WWII neck-choker. And the head is classic Cutter, mustache, "B" on the cap just as you'd require. Other than painting the custom parts, the Shippy body is damn near perfect as-is, no mods required (unless you felt inclined to modify the tattoo). And unless you think the WHALE is a likely haslab (I do not), we're not getting a Cutter in any other fashion anytime soon.

I feel like a native american, using all the parts of the buffalo, nothing going to waste. I'll report back in a few weeks after I get the parts, see if they work as well as I expect. The other things I bought from this guy were top-nacho. He also has a ton of other Joe/Cobra heads I haven't seen anywhere else. I'm using a few in my Plague project.
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"Big Guns"
Oh, and I have to say, I appreciate the suggestion a long while back to look for various parts on Mercari. There's really only about three guys that make up the bulk of the listings on there, but they part out every damn figure. If I make up a custom figure and buy all the parts, it's not cheap and certainly more expensive than a retail figure.... but it's way cheaper than buying all the full figures I need for parts and then having a bunch of unused fodder leftover. And it's all better than trying to find this stuff on ebay.

Every time I get on there, I'm like... "Ooooo, I need one of those, and two of those, and if I could find that, then I could make this guy... and then I could use that part over there on that other custom..."
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
That place is a treasure, and has supplanted eBay as my go to spot for Joe CS parts for a while now. I particularly love the bundle and make an offer features. It’s kind of like a modern day flee market!