It makes a huge improvement in the appearance of the figure IMO, and if you're careful to attach the straps to just the lower part of the torso, you can actually regain use of the ab crunch.
If it's any consolation, the sheer numbers they had up for preorders suggest Target increased their buy from hasbro by a couple of orders of magnitude over previous CI exclusives. So hopefully they'll be substantially easier to find in stores or reasonably priced from ebay or 3rd party sellers.Edit: just saw you links and Breaker is sold out.![]()
That’s the word on the street.July re-release?
That is a very well accessorized fig, and so true to the original! I just wish (and have always wished) he came with a trenchcoat or some other clothing disguise as well (maybe instead of the long rifle, bow & arrow and a couple of the masks), so it's not still, "Hey, who's the new guy wearing Zartan's crazy swamp biker punk clothing?"
That’s the word on the street.
Debating if I should try painting his logo silver for nostalgia.I did get sucked into ordering a Tarjay trooper yesterday (free ship to store at least). You and your squad leader comment over in the other thread...I guess it's akin to the trooper/officer thing back in the day.
Abso-f#$%in-lutely.Debating if I should try painting his logo silver for nostalgia.
I’m not sure how to run a red sky query on my own, was just high jacking links a dude was posting.Can you wield your dark magic and see how many they have in stock? I'm curious as to how many FFs they produced compared to the troopers and Vipers. As I mentioned in the other thread, I really think their botched release of FF last week caused a lot of people to pass him over.
I'm planning for some minor tweaks, at least initially, like getting rid of the groin and shoulder pads. I'll see how he looks after that before deciding if I want to go any deeper. I'll stay on the lookout for grenade sashes too, and a decent modern sub gun. MP7 maybe? He at least has some good potential.According to the folks on tfw that track such things, he's been going in and out of stock all week. I don't think people missed him because of the website nonsense, it's just that people don't army-build named characters, especially the one that deviates the most from his ARAH looks more than any other figure in the line. If I weren't willing to do the customization I did to mine, I'd be p-i-s-s-e-d at all that EOD gear. WTF Mattel!
He's a tolerable figure but far from the best the line has to offer, probably one of my least favorite as-is out of the box. If he was a regular release, he'd have been easier to find than Bludd. As always, scarcity has a real effect on desirability.