Wow, that's pretty disappointing. I was hoping for plenty more where that came from. After Toy Fair, it seemed like Destiny was the odd-man-out, as I didn't really see squat from them at the show. CoD didn't show off a lot, but in recent years, they never did. Stuff just appeared during the year.
But looking back, I have suspected for months that something wasn't right with CoD, as both Target and Kroger just stopped carrying any CoD products at all. It was WM and TRU only, and WM only seemed to carry the smaller sets. Maybe they don't like the whole realistic military/gun themes?
I have all the CoD sets from TF already pre-ordered from Amazon, due out this summer. I noticed last week that the listings were now missing, but that's not unusual for Amazon to post-remove-post items many months before release. But those listings vanishing may be another symptom. I'm keeping my preorders, just in case the cargo truck does get made.
I knew you weren't getting Nazis!!!!