G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
There is a rumor going around that the COD line has been cancelled. Mattel has not shown any official photos of the sets displayed at NYTF as they have for other lines and now it has been removed entirely from the Worlds tab on their website. McFarlane has also picked up the COD license and is making new figures. Sad day if this is true. Makes sense if TRU was the only store carrying the full line and are now sinking.


"Big Guns"
Wow, that's pretty disappointing. I was hoping for plenty more where that came from. After Toy Fair, it seemed like Destiny was the odd-man-out, as I didn't really see squat from them at the show. CoD didn't show off a lot, but in recent years, they never did. Stuff just appeared during the year.

But looking back, I have suspected for months that something wasn't right with CoD, as both Target and Kroger just stopped carrying any CoD products at all. It was WM and TRU only, and WM only seemed to carry the smaller sets. Maybe they don't like the whole realistic military/gun themes?

I have all the CoD sets from TF already pre-ordered from Amazon, due out this summer. I noticed last week that the listings were now missing, but that's not unusual for Amazon to post-remove-post items many months before release. But those listings vanishing may be another symptom. I'm keeping my preorders, just in case the cargo truck does get made.

I knew you weren't getting Nazis!!!! ;)


"Big Guns"
Good news from the MC forums:

"Hey everyone!

Some of you noticed the Call of Duty website is no longer listed on our Worlds page, which has led to some speculation. We want to reassure you that the line is not cancelled! There are new sets in development as we speak and we’ll update you as soon as we can. Sorry for the confusion this has caused."

You may get your nazis after all.
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Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
Well crap. All the doom and gloom talk made me get off my ass and finally order the P-51. Guess it all works out since I had a $25 service credit for then delivering my Grapple 2 days late so it cost me a whole $10.


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
I complained the first day since it was their own carrier and I watched my package drive all around my hood and then get cancelled, so they promised the next day and gave me a free month of Prime. The next day I chatted with them early because the status immediately went to what it was when they skipped me the previous day and they promised it would be here anyways and made sure it would come to my door, not the complex office which closes at 5:30. I watched the package drive all over my hood again and then they cancelled it at 6. I chatted again and they said it was still out and would be here within 2hrs, then gave me $10 credit. 2hrs later I actually call them and got another $15 when I asked how my package could drive all around me (including my street) for 48hrs and not get to me. They finally delivered to the office the next day and when I picked it up, it looked like Christmas season in there. Enough packages had been skipped the previous two days to fill up a pickup truck bed. In total with the free month of service, I got $36 in credit on a $67 purchase. Even nicer since the P-51 that I used the $25 on was marked down to $35.


"Big Guns"
Amazon just cancelled my order for the Hazmat cargo container. Not sure why. They haven't cancelled the WWII container, cargo truck, or Nazi pack... yet.

While Mega has assured us that CoD isn't going away, it would be nice to see actions matching their words. It's still unclear why CoD has been completely scrubbed from their site... as if Mattel had called in Harvey "The Wolf" Keitel.

EDIT: Aaaaaaand there goes the Cargo Truck. I expect two more emails in the near future.

EDIT: Aaaaaaand there goes the Nazi pack. One to go.

EDIT: And the last shoe drops. Hopefully this is an amazon issue, not a Mega issue. Also of note, the TMNT lines have been removed from Megaconstrux main "worlds" page as well. Infer from that what you will. Maybe it means something, maybe not.
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All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I'm still pissed that the only place that got wave 5 of the TMNT blind bags was some Canadian dollar store chain, and has anyone here seen the second wave of carded figures that had Teela and Beast Man? Mega distribution is beyond fucked.


"Big Guns"
Yeah, I bought Teela and Beastman in TX over the x-mas holidays. And then when I got back to TN, they were all over the place here too. You still need them? I can try to pick up some next time I'm out.

Don't know about the TMNT blind bags. I know that Halo single waves 5, 6, & 7 have only showed up in the rarest spots, mostly canada. But oddly, the canadians are just now getting the first wave of Heroes (He-Man, Skeletor, et al).


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
Without TRU, how the heck are they going to sell any of the WWII stuff? I don’t think Amazon is good enough for letting people stumble upon such specifically targeted sets and Walmart is a mixed bag.


Mostly Ignored
Officer Club
May 13, 2011
Walmart has the WWII stuff now...the check point, jeep and new troop packs are all at my local Wally World. IF anyone is looking for loose COD sets...I am getting out and am gonna sell them all off. Built and on a shelf...and that is it - just not into anymore. NO future or Zombies...only Modern and WWII and Space.


"Big Guns"
So, for the first time I can ever recall, BBTS is now carrying some Mega Construx, specifically the new W2 heroes and some Destiny sets. They have Beastman as a single, but Teela is only available in a set of six. That's a bit of a bummer since each wave has many different lines in it, and it's unlikely anyone would be a fan of all of them. But it's not too unexpected since Teela is shortpacked.

I found them at retail, but I'm glad BBTS seems to be picking up TRU's slack on some of this stuff. If they'd just offer Halo singles W5-W7 that have fallen off the face of the earth, I'd likely jump on some full sets.


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
Wait, does this mean the new battle damaged alien, and the single packed Terminators are out?


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
We got our son some knock-off LEGO German soldiers for Easter, they are pretty nice and came with several artillery pieces, horse, dog, tons of weapons and six or seven soldiers of different ranks. Some of the weapons though, were not from that time period.

I, on the other hand, also got some knock-offs of ALIENS characters, Ripley, an alien and a chestbuster victim...the Ripley is really nice.


"Big Guns"
I found the four new CoD care package deluxe singles at WM today. Just got one of each, all very detailed, lots of paint apps not seen in the regular troop packs. But the best part is the new little muzzle flash effects that come with each. Very cool indeed. I'll be on the lookout for more.

And they also had the WWII checkpoints in the clearance section for $9, less than half of MSRP. Couldn't pass that up either.