Today (well, technically tomorrow (WELL, technically a couple months ago..)) we celebrate our 10th anniversary of Independence from tyranny! From that place, so vile, it shall not be mentioned. A place that would not even give us our own 1:18/BBI section. Against such egregious actions, what should any man do? Lie down? Take it? Passively aggressively complain about it in unrelated threads? Yes! All of that, even to go as far as to bring it up 10 years later! Also, though, and more to the point of this thread, any man did what we all did.. we headed off, into the digital wilderness and found ourselves a new home. A better home! This home! [APPLAUSE]
In those fledgling, wild, Nephew-unsafe-times.. we picked July 4th to represent our founding as new internet nation.. not for symbolism, but because we felt that.. okay it was totally for symbolism and was a date we'd all remember. We're internet nerds, not philosophy beardnicks. So sue us (Please don't). The 4th was our day of independence, and our symbol to the world that we were starting something new, something untested, something raw.. could a site with no ads, no income, no.. real path to achieving.. anything.. survive, nay.. thrive?!
Well, turns out it was kinda yes and no. We're still here!
Survive: Check!
... all 12 of us.

So.. okay, maybe things didn't quite turn out the way we were all hoping (Anyone remember the "Internet Toy Magazine" days? Sheesh). We didn't get all the cool SDCC press passes we wanted (RIP NSA's trips to Comic Con) And I think MAJOR BLOOD ran off with all the free Aliens & ACID RAIN review samples. Though we did get some cool things over the ages, and we're all still here (mostly), which is an achievement in itself really.
We survived inter-board wars, THE GREAT CRUSH of '11, various forum software upgrades and changes, Mods that all (everyone single one!) fucked off to parts unknown, and Admins who would disappear for long stretches of time.. oh.. and a hobby that just decided to implode one day and never really return.
So thank you all for still sticking around, thank you new people for showing up and hopefully not spamming us with Chinese dick supplements or faux Nike's.
No real Officers drive this year I don't think, maybe I'll get around to it.. we'll see. Our Server Cost was $136.11 this year, so if anyone would like to donate towards covering this, shoot me a message!
Happy anniversary (almost) and enjoy the 4th of July with your friends, family, & BBQ (and blowing shit up)!