"Hey "814 Valtaskers!"
We thought it was busy DURING our factory visit...but the seemingly simple adjustments to the MTF Valkyries items and accessories initiated at the factory have proven a challenge. The actual changes are quick, but relaying the required detailed directions, exchanging samples back & forth with the factory and communicating via late night skype and/or WeChat meetings add lots of time to any modification. Couple the time for the required changes with the HUGE number of items getting manufactured in this release (almost 800 figures and individual accessories) and you're talking a rather lengthy complicated task.
As mentioned earlier, the MTF Val order must be split into several smaller shipments from the factory (due to the large number of items and their complexity). Our original plan was to hold & ship ALL orders until everything was received in full. That would have worked, except for the additional unexpected time required to make the necessary tooling adjustments. Holding everything and sending only one package to our supporters is not an option. Consequently, we will ship the new MTF Val items as they are received. The last thing we want (or planned) was to have to cover several thousand dollars of additional shipping charges, but given the late date, required adjustments and the unavoidable split shipments, we have no other option.
We don't have a confirmed ship date, since we are still working with the factory to finalize all the details. There have been so many questions about the avail date, that we wanted to get you some information as quick as possible. The first part of the shipments, which is still a few weeks away, will have:
-Black Night Ops Valkyries & Black Gear
-Tan Camo Desert Ops Valkyries & Tan Gear
-Gray Camo Urban Ops Valkyries & Gray Gear
-Tan/Green/Brown Camo Recon Ops Valkyries
-Tan/Green/Brown Camo Steady Cam Gunner
All orders containing those items will ship first. Then any orders remaining that have the other outstanding items, will ship when the rest of the items arrive.
We will let you all know FIRST as we get info. We are taking extra steps to get you as MUCH of the new MTF Valkyries & Gear as possible as QUICK as possible.
Thanks again for your support and hopefully you will like the items!
All the best!
MJ & Team
Marauder "Gun-Runners"