I ordered the "ultimate" He-Man, Skeletor, and Teela even though I have the MOTUC original releases. I didn't know if that pre-order, make-to-order model was going to be the MO going forward or if it was just for those old-school cardback initial figures to get people on-board with Super-7.
While I like that they're continuing the line, I really have zero interest in the super-toony Filmation simple-colored rehashes. I might be down for a few more vehicles or playsets, but for the most part, I have everything I want from an MOTU standpoint. I was never a completist, mostly just interested in the main characters from the first 2-3 years of the property.
I've literally never heard of any characters Mattel put out for the last few years, so I'm not sure what S7 will do that's new and exciting after Mattel so thoroughly scraped the bottom of the barrel.