What's weirder than that, is Sean Astin does the voice for Raphael in the new cartoon. One brother's fucking Irish?
I'd love a proper, newly-sculpted '80s April O'Neil. With the yellow jumpsuit zipped halfway down to give those lovely knockers some air.
I'd love a proper, newly-sculpted '80s April O'Neil. With the yellow jumpsuit zipped halfway down to give those lovely knockers some air.
I don't know if you guys have seen this chick obsessed with TMNT, but it's quite amusing:
Oh, definitely. Like $18-20. TRU prices sucks, no wonder they're going out of business.
"hey, we're going out of business because our prices are too high...what should we do?"
"i've got it!...raise them even higher!"
"ummmm, ohhhhhkayyyy?"
Suspiciously similar to the argument used to raise Capital Gains taxes.
Haha... I'll go ahead and give you "heads up":
The thread is all in fun, so don't take it personal if your previous comment winds up in there .
I still can't make mind up on whether or not to get the NECA turtles...
I thought that auction was receded.
I have done my best to keep from getting into the NECA Turtles (either the full-color, but especially the b/w ones) and at least a couple MOTUC figures.
Unless you have room for it, DON'T DO IT! It's like a new drug!
(They are awesome.)
Just saw these over on a custom site by thelostprowler:
I figured red4 would dig them.
Do Raf and Mike have lazy eyes?
It's so hard getting just one...once you see how great one is, you want MORE!!!...this applies to all toy lines...