Naw, I found em at Michael's. They were in the beading section, but were about the perfect size for spent casings. Gold, everything, and a bigass bag of them for like $3. Eddie picked up some, too.
What I'm trying to improve upon and redo by this weekend is 1) Finishing the full jungle scene so I can do a widescreen shot, 2) Getting my girlfriend's camera figured out and getting better lighting set up and 3) adding a "flying casing" rig so I can capture them in the air as they're being shot out. Eddie and I were discussing ways to pull it off. I wanna do it without any post editing.
The main thing I adjusted in my pics (they were all tests that turned out better than I expected so I posted them) was color correction, and I added a little red to the machine gun burst. It's from the War Machine IM:2 figure, but it's transparent yellow. I need to pick up a translucent orange or red to give it the proper glow.