Official Figure Pic One-Shot Thread


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2018
My youngest daughter loves to paint and when I asked her about blending colors she offered to paint Trooper Joe for me. She nailed the shades of the trousers and shirt perfectly. The patches and badge were done with the printer and super glue. The color of the head sculpt is too dark and I plan on getting another lighter one from marauders. I actually might have it packed away in the spare parts bin 🤔


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2018
Thanks, I really didn’t expect her to match the paint so well. After thinking about it I’m going to get her to try matching the neck color to the face instead of buying another head from MTF. I have my eye on a 1/18 2010 Ford Crown crown vic for the next phase.


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2018
Very cool looking pilot. I would love to see figures like this on a toy aisle en masse.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2018
Tampa, FL
Very cool looking pilot. I would love to see figures like this on a toy aisle en masse.
I'm telling you - if I could start a successful 1/18 figure line with vehicles and make bank, I would do it. But sadly - it's such a unrealistic and unreliable source of income. It's a very niche market for a commodity that's only desired by a very select few. These days most of the vehicles and figures out there are so overinflated in price.

For example. A 1/18 F-18 or F-16 is worth anywhere between $800-$2000.

Back in the early 2000s those would have sold anywhere between $45-65 in retail value.

The only modern 1/18 vehicle that's produced/sold anymore is the Wayward Goat MARV or the Joytoy 1/18 Crazy SUV and ATV.

Anything else are old releases or stuff no longer in mainstream retail circulation. You are forced into the secondary market for any vehicles in 1/18.

Now the JoyToy stuff is way more affordable than it used to be. A single carded figure now typically runs about $20-30. Vehicles can be pricey, but that's the market.
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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2018
Planet Green Valley fig?
Boris Ping figure, with a custom painted head from eBay. They ship from China and are a little slow arriving but I’ve ordered 4 or 5 and they always arrive and always look professional. Probably some prisoners who used to be artists before they were labeled as dissidents 😉
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"Big Guns"
Nice! I bought a reversable green/blue screen just for inserting backgrounds if I don't have a suitable environment for a dio setup. I got a subscription to, and it has a lot of different image engines. I really like the anime one, as it makes backgrounds that look like they could be from sunbow or resolute.
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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2018
There, I added a proper background. This meta AI is tricky to work with. I want to whip up a little dio story with my grandsons help next time he visits papa. He does this technology stuff better than me and he’s only 8. But his dad is a IT guy and lets him take apart computers just to put them back together again 🫤
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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2018
Tampa, FL
Those are spendy. Where do you buy them? Never bought any, but I see them on the PO list at showz all the time. Might save you some $$$ to order directly from asia. (If youv'e never used showz, they're great. I've bought thousands of dollars of stuff from them).

JoyToy Source Action Figure Transformers Collection - Show.Z Store
I've been buying most of mine thru ebay and Amazon, as the price has been cheaper that way and free shipping. Prices for figures vary wildly; more popular ones can go for $65-100, while rarest ones are $80-120. Most of them are in the $30-45 range.

I am going to build up a small group of Cadian Guardsman Infantry and then collect space marines. In the universe the space marines are pretty rare while there are billions of human Guardsman holding the lines against the forces of chaos, aliens, and mutants.

Due to the limitations of Cadians only having the command squad pictured above, there aren't a lot of Infantry options. So I'm going to supplement some of their numbers by making custom Marauders, Inc Guardsman.

Then I will collect opposing forces; Chaos Marines, tyranids, Necrons, T'au, etc...