I think one of the ROC "Ripcords" came with a boonie type hat...
For Steeler, I used the the WB torso front the tiger rat and I can't remember which legs, but the color was almost spot on...then I lengthened the harness in back...think I did some kinda neck mod too...been a long time since I did that one...
I really like the legs you used on CC...MUCH better, and that head is perfect for him...they always drew him kinda old and crotchety...the one thing I hate about CC though is the trooper harness they gave him...but it's cast in brown so I'm hesitant to change it...any other harnesses come cast in brown?
Steeler REALLY needs a CVC lid. I shouldn't have to tell you how ridiculous his helmet-mounted Virtual Boy headset looks.![]()
Yeah, Eopie's is dope. It's what gave me the idea (obviously) for the harness alternate idea and the legs... although I was originally planning on using the SE legs, once I saw his, I liked the double pockets. Only thing is, I'd like for him to at least have a side arm. Once I get those other legs in, I can decide after testing them out.
I really like his head, too. Although after someone said it in that thread, all I can see is fucking Dale Earnhardt now. So that bugs me...
And yeah, the cuffless sleeves bug me. I also really dig his shirt being the ribbed sweater, but dislike the turtleneck look. I much prefer if he just had the open collar, which is why I opted to just stick with the Shipwreck torso of the original one, since I'm not looking at doing a ton of sculpting on this, or painting.
... It looks like he sculpted the shirt below the harness as well.
I'm diggin' the updates, Rex!
The Footloose/Claymore head sculpt actually works really well for Crankcase. I think it looks better than the one EH used. I think the head EH used is a little goofy looking.
Sticking with the 25th Flint/Crankcase lower arms will eliminate the need to match skin tones. While I prefer the Law arms, I know you like to try and avoid painting when possible, so that the likelihood of paint rub is less likely to happen.
If you decide to go with the v1 Steel Brigade Trooper legs, just don't go the route that EH went and paint the entire knee joint black. The actual pad is in the middle with the inner ridge. The area outside of that is suppose to be the pants. Whoever sculpted the knee joint just did a bad job of making it look like fabric (no folds or wrinkles).
I recommend using the Delta Steel Brigade torso for Steeler. I'd use those arms as well.
Just my 2 cents worth. Looking good though, man!
Cant you just use the side arm/holster you like on the legs you like?...mod on there somehow?...trim it down to fit the contours correctly then glue it in place?
And while I've heard of dale ernheart, I have zero clue what he looks like...
As for the ribbed sweater...I much prefer that more ARAH accurate torso too...but the collar piece isn't right...isn't there a more traditional button up shirt collar piece out there somewhere on a figure that could be modded to work?..maybe I'm imagining things...anyway, that would be really cool if you make the ribbed shirt work AND get the right collar...
You could add the collar to the Resolute Cobra Trooper torso like Badgumbo did...
Of course, this would require painting the entire torso. It looks like he sculpted the shirt below the harness as well.
Pretty cool little detail he added...then didn't paint match the skin tones...I miss his work...
Don't know if you have the resolute 7 pack, but I just noticed the BH and Stalker figures both have the turtleneck piece...
Don't know if you have the resolute 7 pack, but I just noticed the BH and Stalker figures both have the turtleneck piece...
Could use the 25th BH toso and arms. He has a sweater. Really wish there would a good button-up shirt. I don't mind a couple of guys on the team sporting commando sweaters, but i wouldn't have all the team in them.
They look good mang...really have me considering ditching the original O13 legs entirely...the new ones look much better...the sculpting is so superior...
The original BH torso is just too skinny for my tastes...even the DH Shippy one is kinda on the too lean side, but it's at least better...I think I might keep my Steeler like MRs here, so him, Scarlett and (maybe) Flash/GH will stand out...plus different gear, short/long sleeves, brown/black...in my head it looks good![]()
Wait, which ones? You like the 25th Zap ones, or the POC Snake Eyes legs?.
Their accents didn't help either...what in the heck was that anyway?