Video Viper's alternate Custom entry


Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
I am Skeletor, & I am now your Master! Obey me or Die!

Skeletor once Keldor the most trusted of the King's guards, betrayed the royal family when he kidnapped young prince Adam & princess Adora. He took them to Castle Greyskull, where the Sorceror, Hordak planned to lure the king & queen into a trap killing them all & having the Captain of the Guard take command of the kingdom.

Skeletor's plans where soon discovered, Hordak forseeing his death, through the princess over the castle wall & jumped with her. She is believed to be dead but Hordak may have used a transporter. Adora's body was never found. The King freed prince Adam. during the battle he sprayed acid in Keldor's face, creating the monster now known as Skeletor.

Skeletor was imprisioned for a time in the hopes that Adora might be alive, but Skeletor never revealed any possible location that could help. Skeletor was freed by the Beastman & is believed to be forming an army to take over the various kingdoms of the planet.

In this battle many great warrior's were lost including Princess Adora, Acidman, Dirty Sancess, Reach Around & Duncen's wife.

I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Mar 14, 2011
Very Cool!

There is a good chance that he may get to enter the tournament. It would be wise to touch up his Bio.