If you are ordering from another country, please do not try to pull a fast one, and order with a US address, and then ask me to ship to an address in another country for the US shipping cost. I never would have thought that I'd of had to post something like this, but this actually just happened, and I want to make it perfectly clear that I WILL NOT do that. If you do try to do this then I'll do the same thing with your order that I did with the order that just tried to get me to do it, I'll refund your order. I can not afford to cut into my finances to ship your orders out cheaper. The money for my business only comes from my business. I don't touch the family budget for my business anymore, and haven't since about 2 months after I opened back in 2012. So sink, or swim it's all on what I bring in through the business. I hope you guys understand. The international rates include the customs fee, and other charges that are put on an international shipment. Not to mention that I have packing costs that I don't even pass on to my customers ie boxes, paper, and ink for the invoices, and shipping labels, zipper baggies to contain the parts, tape, and then there's the money that I pay my shipping clerk. Granted my shipping clerk is my father, but I still have to pay him for doing my shipping.
Thank you for understanding,
Dennis Plourde