We can all agree that by the trailers alone this looks a million times better than RoC whose trailers sucked donkey kong balls
We can all agree that by the trailers alone this looks a million times better than RoC whose trailers sucked donkey kong balls
What's wrong with parkour?
What's wrong with parkour?
What's wrong with parkour?
It's ninja for park dwelling Emo kids.
I've always thought parkour was pretty fucking cool, personally.
If it wasn't considered a "sport", I could probably ignore it with no issue. I just don't under stand how jumping around like a Monkeywrench is considered a sport.
I love the scene in Die Hard 4 where that guy's leaping around and McClane says something about "hold still, you fucking squirrel" or something to that effect. It's been so long that I've forgotten it, but it's in response to the parkour henchman who won't stand still.
He says "Damn hamster!" I dunno, I just found it funny.
Even from those quick clips alone, CC looks a thousand times better than ROC. I get that it was an "origins" take on him, but the design fucking sucked. No, I don't expect ARAH. Yes, I do expect the design not to suck even worse, which it did.
This one at least looks menacing, instead of a burn victim in a fish bowl.
I'm quite partial to the bit in Punisher: Warzone
The design or JGL didn't bother me. The idea that CC was Duke's future brother-in-law did.
LOL that exact scene is where that movie lost me.
The Baroness/Duke/Rex/Ripcord connection was the biggest fail of the movie for sure.
Even from those quick clips alone, CC looks a thousand times better than ROC...
Everything we've seen so far looks a thousand times better than RoC...even if all that ever came of the sequel was just these clips, they alone collectively are better than first steaming pile of sh!t...
I mean, c'mon...look at this bada$$ery!