So, before I post the picture, here's a little story. I finished Bigger Boa. I sent him to MSWI for paint. He sent him back. I took pictures, put him on my shelf, and everything was fine. Somehow, he got unbalanced, possibly when I was adding figures to the shelf. Big Boa took a tumble, 6 feet to the tile floor, breaking the apoxy shorts.
He's still otherwise mostly in one piece, but in debating how best to go about repairing the damage, I started working on a second Bigger Boa.
The recipe is pretty much the same, except the arm wraps which I took from an Ultimate SS legs, trimmed and hollowed, heated and stretched, and then fit and glued over Herc's forearms, which I trimmed the bracers off of. The belt is Baron Zemo's and is temporary till I find something better.
The boxing gloves DO fit over the wraps, which is nice. I am also considering a way to also add wraps to his hands.