That's why I said to mod it...ya know, make it fit...unless you mean the strapping is just too thin/narrow and looks weird...
It's really too thin to mod, but it's also too thin for the body.
That's why I said to mod it...ya know, make it fit...unless you mean the strapping is just too thin/narrow and looks weird...
Ugh, I love the hand and forearm bandaging in the most ridiculous way possible. How'd you do it, again? lower legs off one of those absurdly hard-to-find Storm Shadows?
Kind of just glued running down his spine?
It's not the worst idear I've ever heard.
My only hesitation is those big ol' glass canisters protruding from his back in an action situation. Unless it's like Universal Soldier, where they have to go back to the lab to regenerate, or, in his case, get 4 quarts of Compound Z.
I say go for it.
It's for sure a cool idea, but I don't think his size should be a realism issue's not out of the question for someone to be that huge...rare, yes, but not unrealistic..
What all do you need? If you don't mind sharing..
I'd be all over that, XOC.
I can't find a set of Viper goggles, but I imagine they'd fit. I REALLY wish I had a set of the round goggles from the Daniel Craig Golden Compass figure.
Leave the helmet off and cast as is?
But I want a helmet for her. I think I'm leaning towards the first one to keep the ranks looking similar.
But I want a helmet for her. I think I'm leaning towards the first one to keep the ranks looking similar.
Not sure what else I want to do. I considered a very thin layer of apoxy over her hair to resculpt it, because it just looks kind of flat otherwise, but I don't want to increase the dimensions of the head. It's already a tight fit in any helm I could put on her. I think I may just go forward with what I have now and send it in.
Replace the ponytail with a small bun, make it a little harder for Stalker to open her throat up like a zipper.
Could, but he's already started slingin' putty on ol' crazy-eyes up yonder, might as well keep at it.
If you gotta use a helmet,the 30th helmet is the way to go IMO.