Hello everyone,
At this point, we have very little faith that the programming company will finish the new software enough for registration to take place with the new version. We are very disappointed in this company and will be taking the appropriate action after the convention. We are diligently working on implementing our back-up plan.
We are planning to bring one or the other online either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday. Please note that non-attending packages will NOT be available until we close the attending registrations (which will only be open a few days).
Unfortunately the backup solution doesn't have total flexibility to edit registration mistakes as it is half computer and half manual. Therefore, please read the brochure again. Go slowly during the registration process, and please DON"T pick the wrong items that are not allowed per the brochure. We will review and approve or disapprove each registration. The only option we have for errors is to delete the registration and let you start over, which could cause a supply issue if someone else gets the item before you re-register.
Just a quick note on some of the rules:
Golden Ticket packages can only have 1 GT Aide with them.
Golden Ticket packages can order the other boxed sets as well if they want more than one boxed set.
American Hero and/or General's packages can have up to 4 aides.
For the 3 3/4" loose sets, you are only allowed one loose figure set per boxed set.
Don't pick the Thursday Class and the Thursday Walking Tour as you can't be in 2 paces at the same time.
Please make sure you put in the proper field (on the registration) all of the package holder's name(s) and which package they are assigned to.
The software doesn't know any of these rules, so it's up to you to follow them (as we do know the rules).
Thanks for your patience and I assure you we are more upset than you are....
PS. The store will be offline until after registration is complete.