I'm curious if he's going to have that thug dialect in this movie. "Yo Baroness, holla' at your boy"
I'm sure they'll get some mileage out of that Sting Raider. Hopefully not make it look like something that was painted in downtown San Fran.
FYI, this is from General Joe's site (who got it from HT, but I'm giving Justin all the credit). Circled is supposedly a Cobra symbol. I have to say, that is a kick-ass "boat"...
At they were using guns that sounded like guns...none of that pew-pew business
Well, if it gets more like "real" (OG) GI Joe, that's an improvement at least. I also like the use of the SCAR (man I'd love to own a SCAR-H), though I wish Rockblock had something a little more potent than a SAW, a 240 at least. FN is definitely getting their weapons in there. But yeah, so far it looks a little better (though they definitely still dress alike - true to real military, not so good for unique action figures).
Contrary to what some might think Joes should look like a military unit, not like a toy collector or paintballer that bought some non-matching crap at a dingy Army surplus store and paired it with a keffiyeh, a pair of ratty Mechanix gloves and/or whatever sports team jersey they had lying around that would fit over their Cheetoh gut.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's Scarlett. I haven't seen a pic I believe is LJ.
If anything the Tiger is an MRAP in the vein of the Cougar or BAE Caiman.
Trailers can be very misleading imo. They aren't going to show nanomites or whatever in the trailer. They are going to lure you in with "The Rock" and that cool looking boat, and then comes the sci-fi/ninja bs. And there will be plenty of ninja bs and it won't get resolved in this movie either. Imo Hollywood can't make a Joe movie.
"Look" seems to be a flexible thing for them. After all, they cast Ripcord to look like Stalker, Baroness as a blonde and Breaker to look like... I dunno, someone else entirely.
I'm curious if he's going to have that thug dialect in this movie. "Yo Baroness, holla' at your boy"
Trailers can be very misleading imo. They aren't going to show nanomites or whatever in the trailer. They are going to lure you in with "The Rock" and that cool looking boat, and then comes the sci-fi/ninja bs. And there will be plenty of ninja bs and it won't get resolved in this movie either. Imo Hollywood can't make a Joe movie.
Meh. I've already resigned myself to the fact I'm not going to like the movie. But also resigned to the fact I'll see it soon after opening (with my two flasks ). The only questions I have are: (1) will it be better than Joe 1 (easy win), and (2) how much better (fingers crossed but not making any bets).
Two flasks? More like a blunt.