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  1. snakeling

    The heat of battle...

  2. snakeling

    Rick's HISS

    But you did paint the Vipers rocket OD. I understand though, you were more concerned with the bigger picture: weathering, adding some stuff. Happens to us all.
  3. snakeling

    RHINO by Cadillac

    Great concept and the weathering looks good too! What kinda powerplant does it have?
  4. snakeling

    Unseen foe

    Low Light takes up a position about a mile out of town and gets down to business. Viper officer: Tell that mad bomber to hurry up! We got Joes to kill!! Tele-Viper: He says there is a sniper out there, thats what is holding him up.
  5. snakeling

    A couple of Batman customs

    That first one is very bad ass!
  6. snakeling

    "What is that...?"

    Here is a very short story. Some of you may recognize the backdrop. Since I couldn't figure out what that machine in the background is so I made up my own story. Its a vehicle designed to clear the cluttered roadway and it shoots back too. We begin with Shock Troopers calling for back-up....
  7. snakeling

    Zombie Herd

    One of them is a SW head from Palpatine. It works so well!!
  8. snakeling

    Some items I made castings of

    It does! I like the sewer cover shield.
  9. snakeling

    Why do we like 1:18?

    Cadillac made the El Dorado Biarritz. But then its all GM.
  10. snakeling

    30th blueshirt fix

    Anyone got any ideas on how to make the blueshirts pistol fit more snugly into the holster on his leg? I like the fig but know I'm going to lose the pistols. I know the legs and pistols are pretty much the same as SE but his extra pistol ( the one that cant be silenced) actually fits snug so...
  11. snakeling

    Tech Deck - Sewer set review

    Target and Wally usually seem to have them. Anyplace that sells Tech Deck stuff.
  12. snakeling

    Why do we like 1:18?

    Star Wars brought the scale, Joe gave us the articulation. 1:18th is a good middle gound, not to big not to small.
  13. snakeling

    Tech Deck - Sewer set review

    @ Blood are the storm sewers like that where you live? I'm thinking it may be common out there on the "west side". I have never seen one above ground here. Just curious.
  14. snakeling

    Tech Deck - Sewer set review

    Nobody ever utilizes that little feature. Myself included.
  15. snakeling

    Tech Deck - Love Park review

    I hear ya on that. Even I mostly find the actual skate park stuff. Seems they are getting harder to find. The smaller cheaper sets are more abundant but if you go looking for one particular one (concrete barricade!) it will be hard to find.
  16. snakeling

    Tech Deck - Love Park review

    Some bother me less than others. Nice to know I'm not the only OCD mofo in the room though. I really want to do it to the cheap low brick wall that thing is way to pristine, and the "weathering" on the top leaves something to be desired.
  17. snakeling

    Tech Deck - Love Park review

    I think the idea is to prevent cars from doing stupid stuff or just driving into the fountain.
  18. snakeling

    Tech Deck - Love Park review

    Really? Secret entrance/exit, maintenece hatch. And a figure can actually be put down in it much further than the sewer set. I think there is lots of potential with the ramps.I did not know about the ramps until after I got it and was pleasantly surprized. You have convinced me I have to weather...
  19. snakeling

    Tech Deck - Pulaski Park set review

    BTW the weathering looks great!!! *hides unweathered set*
  20. snakeling

    Tech Deck - Pulaski Park set review

    Yer just pissed cause the sign says no alcohol.:D I was dissappointed by the cardboard sidewalk, but I would like one or two more of this set. I have some ideas but need spare parts.