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  1. snakeling

    Cobra Tank Destroyer Mech - WIP

    Hope this works for you, the Maggot cannon might be a bit big. Its more equivilant to the AT-TE.
  2. snakeling

    Corps ATK

    Nice job and attention to detail, I did something very similar to mine.
  3. snakeling


    I'm gonna try this one more time WITH the ending, hopefully. For those who decided AV won, rude awakening lol. I have to let the good guys win from time to time.
  4. snakeling

    Tutorial: Creating Dio Walls from Foam

    SD built that dock, buy one from him. No company makes buildings like that; I have wasted many hours on the internet looking for 1:18 scale buildings. I'm looking forward to anything MR and SD have to share here.
  5. snakeling

    Tutorial: Creating Dio Walls from Foam

    No SD? I never even knew he did that till MB got one from him. Something tells me he is keepin' that to himself. And on the one hand...... I can't blame him.